¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (2024)

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Last updated on 4 may 2024

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  2. Sistemas de control distribuido

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Integración DCS


Interoperabilidad DCS


Coordinación de DCS


Sincronización DCS


Prácticas recomendadas de DCS


Desafíos de DCS


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¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (1)

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  • ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (3) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (4) 13

  • Zohaib Jahan 16k+ | DeltaV DCS Engineer | Automation | PLC Programming | TÜV FS Engineer | ICSS ESD System | Instruments

    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (6) 11

¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (7) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (8) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (9)

1 Integración DCS

La integración de DCS es el proceso de conectar y compartir datos entre un DCS y otros sistemas. Esto puede implicar diferentes niveles de integración, como el intercambio de datos, la transformación de datos, el análisis de datos y la visualización de datos. La integración de DCS puede proporcionar muchos beneficios, como un mejor rendimiento del proceso, menores costos operativos, mayor seguridad y mejor toma de decisiones. Sin embargo, la integración de DCS también plantea algunos desafíos, como problemas de compatibilidad, problemas de calidad de datos, problemas de confiabilidad de la red y amenazas cibernéticas.

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  • Nikhilesh Muraleedharan Sales Strategist | Business Development | Control Systems Solution Consultant | Product Management | Factory Digitization Expert

    DCS integration depends at what level you are integrating with. It can start from Level 1 with third party control system to Level 4 with advanced solution suites for analytics, MES etc.Common in all these is cybersecuirty aspect which should be taken into account based on the data flow.Apart from this using open protocols like OPC UA DA/HDA/A&E makes life easier for all parties without compromising security aspects.Also sticking to same vendor has their own merits and demerits with tight integrarion reducing the large portion of man hours for interoperatability testing, network reliabiltiy, data quality issues etc.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (18) 6

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    To advance in this area, professionals can contribute by sharing practical experiences, research and development, solutions to specific problems, participating in discussions and promoting security awareness. These contributions can drive the progress and effectiveness of DCS integration, benefiting the community of professionals involved in this area.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (27) 5

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  • Zohaib Jahan 16k+ | DeltaV DCS Engineer | Automation | PLC Programming | TÜV FS Engineer | ICSS ESD System | Instruments

    Below tips maybe helpful to navigate the DCS integration challenges effectively:- prioritize compatibility checks- ensure data quality through robust protocols- Better network reliability- implement rigorous cybersecurity plan- Try reading data only means for monitoring (controlling should be done locally)This proactive approach not only mitigates risks but also maximizes the substantial benefits of DCS integration.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (36) 2


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    First, a centralized control system is established to oversee all subsystems. This system is responsible for coordinating the actions of each subsystem based on a set of predefined rules or algorithms. Second, communication protocols are established to ensure that each subsystem can effectively communicate its status and receive instructions from the centralized control system. Third, synchronization mechanisms are implemented to ensure that all subsystems operate in harmony. This can involve time synchronization, state synchronization, or both. Finally, feedback loops are used to continuously monitor and adjust the system’s performance. This allows the system to adapt to changes and ensure optimal performance.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (45) 2

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  • Joe Majewski Automation Validation Engineer

    Creating a validation master plan will help setup a strategy on how to integrate various pieces of manufacturing equipment into a DCS.


2 Interoperabilidad DCS

La interoperabilidad DCS es la capacidad de un DCS y otros sistemas para comunicarse y cooperar entre sí utilizando estándares y protocolos comunes. Esto puede implicar diferentes aspectos de la interoperabilidad, como sintáctico, semántico y pragmático. La interoperabilidad sintáctica se refiere al formato y la estructura de los datos. La interoperabilidad semántica se refiere al significado y contexto de los datos. La interoperabilidad pragmática se refiere al comportamiento y la lógica de los sistemas. La interoperabilidad de DCS puede permitir una mayor flexibilidad, escalabilidad e innovación en el dominio del control de procesos. Sin embargo, la interoperabilidad DCS también enfrenta algunos desafíos, como la falta de estándares comunes, la complejidad de los sistemas y los factores humanos.

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    Interoperability is crucial for optimizing industrial operations, enabling seamless communication between systems and fostering flexibility, scalability, and innovation. In addition to technical challenges such as lack of standards and system complexity, human factors like resistance to change and concerns about cybersecurity must be addressed. Investing in standards, technologies, practices, and appropriate training is essential to ensure robust and reliable interoperability, driving efficiency in DCS.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (63) 1

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  • Nikhilesh Muraleedharan Sales Strategist | Business Development | Control Systems Solution Consultant | Product Management | Factory Digitization Expert

    In my experience each DCS system typically has its own proprietary network topologies and protocols enabling native integration of OEM controllers and other nodes. Also this reduces the network being open to cyber requirements due to closed technology. The DCS integration should be always at level 3 or above using high level open and secure protocols like OPC UA etc. Also as experienced engineer, criticial infrastructure using control systems should never be opened to external networks and should be avoided at any cost to reduce risks. Integration can also be done using other open protocols like profinet, Ethernet/IP, IEC 60870/61850 etc. Also using new open time sensitive network topologies also reduces the integration testing req.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (72) 1

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  • Dave Slover

    Identify the needs of each system being considered for support and choose a DCS platform that provides the maximum value by supporting the most relevant functional needs by each system. This will facilitate the maximum ability to standardize systems with a single platform and align strategies using a single vendor. This can be achieved by having a good understanding of basic measurement, control, display, and data acquisition engineering fundamentals and the selection of a vendor with a large and stable market share.




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3 Coordinación de DCS

La coordinación de DCS es el proceso de alinear y armonizar las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas. Esto puede implicar diferentes métodos de coordinación, como centralizado, descentralizado o híbrido. La coordinación centralizada se basa en una sola autoridad o controlador que supervisa y dirige las acciones de todos los sistemas. La coordinación descentralizada se basa en controladores locales o distribuidos que actúan de forma autónoma y colaborativa en función de sus propios objetivos y limitaciones. La coordinación híbrida combina elementos de enfoques centralizados y descentralizados. La coordinación de DCS puede optimizar el rendimiento, la eficiencia y la robustez generales del proceso. Sin embargo, la coordinación de DCS también requiere un diseño cuidadoso, análisis y ajuste de los algoritmos, parámetros y objetivos de control.

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  • In traditional implementations, one of the DCS's is updated with the tag data from all the systems to maintain synchronous behavior. In recent implementations, the same task is done using multiple structured databases which are updated at a very high frequency. In future runtime variables might be fetched from a Unified namespace. The key to the design decision here is the speed and bandwidth of the communication interface.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (89) 2

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    To deepen understanding, we need to detail the advantages and disadvantages of each coordination method (centralized, decentralized and hybrid) within the scope of the Distributed Control System (DCS). This analysis can be based on case studies and simulations that empirically demonstrate the benefits and challenges of different coordination approaches in real situations. Furthermore, exploring new coordination strategies or algorithms could further enhance the performance and efficiency of the DCS, especially in contexts that demand more adaptable and effective solutions.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (98) 1

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4 Sincronización DCS

La sincronización DCS es el proceso de garantizar que las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas se ejecuten de manera oportuna y consistente. Esto puede implicar diferentes técnicas de sincronización, como la sincronización del reloj, la sincronización de eventos o la sincronización de datos. La sincronización del reloj garantiza que los sistemas tengan una hora de referencia común o un reloj para sus acciones. La sincronización de eventos garantiza que los sistemas activen o respondan a ciertos eventos o señales de manera coordinada. La sincronización de datos garantiza que los sistemas tengan los mismos datos o datos actualizados para sus acciones. La sincronización DCS puede mejorar la precisión, confiabilidad y estabilidad del control del proceso. Sin embargo, la sincronización DCS también exige un alto rendimiento, ancho de banda y seguridad de la red de comunicación.

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  • Nikhilesh Muraleedharan Sales Strategist | Business Development | Control Systems Solution Consultant | Product Management | Factory Digitization Expert

    DCS synchronization has multiple aspects that needs to tied in together for an effective operation.Starting with time synchronization using NTP or old school time reset trigger bit from master clock device to all slave devices.But new protocols like PTP provides more accuracy when working with SIS systems with 1msec time stamping.Time stamping of device should happen at controller and optionally at IOM level and event collected should be displayed rather than time stamping at server level. If multiple servers are used these servers should have master event database.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (107) 10

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  • Zohaib Jahan 16k+ | DeltaV DCS Engineer | Automation | PLC Programming | TÜV FS Engineer | ICSS ESD System | Instruments

    Time Synchronization may not be a challenge for small plants or if they are not relying on reports generated by other systems than DCS.But if it's critical then use of NTP Server along with NTP Clients will resolve the issue.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (116) 2

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    In the area of distributed control systems (DCS), synchronization is like the rhythm in an orchestra: it's what keeps all the instruments playing together, harmoniously. It is crucial because in industrial environments, such as factories, each process needs to be perfectly coordinated to ensure safety and efficiency. To achieve this, we use precise communication protocols and timing systems to ensure all parties are in sync. This allows us to control processes in real time and integrate different systems smoothly and efficiently.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (125) 1

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    In the area of distributed control systems (DCS), synchronization is like the rhythm in an orchestra: it's what keeps all the instruments playing together, harmoniously. It is crucial because in industrial environments, such as factories, each process needs to be perfectly coordinated to ensure safety and efficiency. To achieve this, we use precise communication protocols and timing systems to ensure all parties are in sync. This allows us to control processes in real time and integrate different systems smoothly and efficiently.


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5 Prácticas recomendadas de DCS

Para lograr una integración, interoperabilidad, coordinación y sincronización eficaces de DCS, debe tener en cuenta algunas prácticas recomendadas. Defina objetivos y requisitos claros y realistas para su proyecto de DCS. Seleccione componentes de hardware y software compatibles que estén estandarizados. Utilice protocolos de comunicación y formatos de datos que sean adecuados para su DCS y otros sistemas. Implemente arquitecturas de control y algoritmos que sean robustos y flexibles. Pruebe y valide su DCS y otros sistemas antes y después de la implementación. Supervise y mantenga su DCS y otros sistemas de forma regular. Además, capacite a su personal sobre cómo usar y administrar su DCS y otros sistemas.

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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    Considering the crucial importance of efficient integration and fluid operation of the Distributed Control System (DCS), it is imperative to adopt best practices. I fully agree with the need to establish clear objectives, select compatible hardware/software, and use appropriate protocols to facilitate interoperability. Furthermore, the idea of implementing flexible control architectures, performing regular system testing and preventative maintenance seems to be a sensible approach to ensure continuous and reliable operation of the DCS. Without a doubt, investing in team training is essential to ensure effective operations and maximize the benefits of DCS integration.



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6 Desafíos de DCS

A pesar de seguir las mejores prácticas, es posible que aún encuentre algunos desafíos en su proyecto de DCS, como tener que lidiar con sistemas heredados o propietarios que son difíciles de integrar o interoperar con su DCS. Además, administrar la complejidad y diversidad de su DCS y otros sistemas, garantizar la calidad y seguridad de los datos, resolver conflictos entre objetivos o restricciones, adaptarse a los cambios en el entorno del proceso o las condiciones del mercado, y equilibrar los costos y beneficios de su proyecto DCS pueden ser tareas difíciles.

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  • Zohaib Jahan 16k+ | DeltaV DCS Engineer | Automation | PLC Programming | TÜV FS Engineer | ICSS ESD System | Instruments

    There are 03 prominent challenges:1) Failure to update software/hardware to their latest versions because of budget issues.2) Additionally, in regions like Africa and Asia, a notable issue is the tendency for end users to overlook cybersecurity threats, often relegating responsibility to DCS Engineers or IT Staff instead of engaging cybersecurity specialists.3) Another concern lies in the omission of training for Engineers and Technicians on the latest available technologies.These observations are based on my personal experiences, acknowledging that your perspective may differ and is genuinely respected.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (151) 11

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  • Nikhilesh Muraleedharan Sales Strategist | Business Development | Control Systems Solution Consultant | Product Management | Factory Digitization Expert

    In my experience the main DCS challenge, is hardware obselesence due to the use of proprietary HW and an OEM that has a short lifespan components.SW obselesence is a part that can be covered using virtualization were SW run independent of HW atleast at L2 nodes like DCS servers & stations.But DCS L1 HW like IO modules etc doesnt have such options else to move to soft controllers that run on virtual environment with high available options and talk to open IO based hardware decoupling the requirment of using proprietary hardware. One of such move is done by a org. Open process automation using different HW from different OEM but same software.In 20th century with lots of online materials and soft manuals everyone can be a DCS specialist.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (160) 8


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  • Fernando Rodrigues Schmoeller Operador De Sala De Controle/ Control Room operator/ Operador De Produção/Production Operator/ Lean Six Sigma/ Onshore/ Offshore / CBSP/ HUET/ THUET OPITO

    In addition to technical solutions, it is crucial to invest in qualified human material to face the challenges of developing a Document Control and Distribution System (DSCD). Well-trained and capable teams are essential to deal with systems integration, manage complexity, ensure data quality and security, resolve conflicts and adapt to changes. Therefore, investment in developing staff skills and knowledge is fundamental to the success of the project.


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7 Esto es lo que más debe considerar

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  • Most of the things about the DCS are already covered. I would just like to add two things though small but crucial for the system. One is the maintenance and replacement of backup batteries for the processor units. Sometimes this is overlooked and may cause catastrophic results. Second thing is the regular backup of the system, which should be taken periodically to keep updated the system backup. This comes handy in case there's a program mismatch or corruption of the program. This is true not only for the DCS but other systems and programs should also be backed up periodically, as sometimes the glitches in one system also affect the ability of others to work properly. All back up data should be recorded clearly to avoid any confusion.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (177) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (178) 13

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  • Welson Chua

    We shouldn't forget DCS security aspect.Based on my experience:1. A virus infection in one point can easily spread out to other workstations that can cause shutdown and production loss; not to mention the tedious process of cleaning and reinstallation of all application software.2. Access and control should be restricted to authorized personnel only while external devices shouldn't be allowed to be connected to the system.3. A 3rd party cybersecurity software or group or person should be involved in handling DCS security.4. As much as possible, DCS should be insulated from external network or internet to avoid cyber attack.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (187) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (188) 9

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  • Brad Panike Retired Senior System Operator

    Security is always a concern, especially in this age of cyber attacks and nation state sponsored cyber warfare. This especially true of connections outside the DCS process. Correct firewall or secure data transfer devices properly segments a system so an attack on one segment does not propagate across the whole system.



    ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (197) ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (198) 3

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Sistemas de control distribuido ¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (199)

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¿Cómo se coordinan y sincronizan las acciones y estrategias de control en múltiples sistemas? (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.