NEWSHOUR : ALJAZ : July 4, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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the business latest is free to you believe, i guess is that like, my on one of your makes modern plates. the the hello, i'm sammy's a them, this has been use our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any strikes target homes and assign eunice being also that hospital one of the causes do functioning medical facilities as the law says, it's 500 rockets towards northern as well following the killing of one of it. see me come on this as well. look, set to approve the largest seizure of land and the occupied westbank. emboldened free decades and power can barrels scrapes the southern part of jamaica and is now

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having towards mexico off the getting at least 6 people in the southeast in carol being turned on. pizza statement with the latest sports news, raining wimbledon maidens champion carlos alvarez. cooksey's place in the 3rd round . today's extra for the lakes are in the program. the . we'd be getting the news out in gauze was riley forces have bummed in area, and then also the hospital in con, units in the south, at least 45 people have been killed as a result of the continued his way. the bombing of the strips in store and the house that was hidden con you, this was next to a school for displaced palestinians into people have been rushing to northside hospital for treatment. it's one of the few remaining functioning medical facilities in gaza. this as

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a cause of admitting people side pots of southern gauze, or in recent days following and is ready, the attack and the evacuation, or the, the, the of the sleep behind them come here and then they boomed us. what is this? if this was the plant, then we should have stayed in the homes and not come here and they would have bummed us the. what was the point of coming here and being boomed? why do we live like this? what is the some justice that we are subject to to the customer? yeah. well, why don't i go to get some more to only to be sure like the sound of 2 rockets but destroyed everything then go down and evacuated, my children and my family. no one was in the house. now people are trying to take a few simple things. we don't have even a house. the house was already destroyed and uninhabitable and it was destroyed again. but this time it was completely demolished. nothing is left on the spells out a cup i assume is in reporting for us from the gaza strip. yes,

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the latest on the strikes, the use of the tree is up scaling the minute 3 attacks on multiple areas in the gaza strip. but the main focus today wasn't the newest of because of strep, or at least 8 palestinians have to report kills. and the latest is when it strikes on got a very marginalized parts of the gaza strip, where a number of residential houses being completely targeted. and the dispatcher and then anesthesia unit for his continued offers his and there is what else the patient poses where families are still trapped inside that neighborhood without getting into sort of help from the palestinian civil defense cruise. absolutely unable to get to that place due to the intensity of the is very from button while in the pot south of the cat, 3 of 5 is still rebuilding has been completely level to the ground after being targeted with 2 is very strikes. that's how it turns into place into the rustle suppressing fee. i'm panic among families who have been multiple times internally displaced also receiving multiple evacuation orders by these but um it so now for

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disregards of health ministry. more than thirty's, how the sunny and have been so far, hills due to the is very ongoing attacks on the strip of a new. so feel now any ends up for this home govern gets hacked when they had 3. sorry. could buy the algebra there with that, how to sign a sizes exchange some ideas with media, who's on a potential deal for the release of captives. and the movement has dealt in a positive spurious, it says with the content of ongoing delivery. sions, israel size is now studying the offer and will be giving its own response. and so, according to a statement by these right, the intelligence agency must side, at least 5 to 5 minutes to his office. the association of families of his ride, the prison, is detained in gauze and meanwhile, says if the deal is not accepted, millions of his race will take to the streets. is already gone. does band out?

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is there a fund revolting from as well? so having to solve who joins us now from jordan's capital. i'm mine. so does this mean the cx 5 talks um back on some kind of track, again, is early official say they are approaching this with cautious optimism, which how we, as we've seen, has been a reoccurring theme throughout the entirety of these negotiations each time. but mediators thought it was getting close is really official, did use this word, but we are seeing a willingness from both these really side and how much to try and come up with some sort of deal now is really official speaking anonymously say that there are still a lot of things to sort out and there will be disagreements so that perhaps the timeframe for these negotiations could take some time. but let's walk back and talk about what has happened previously. back at the end of may, you have these really is who submitted their own proposal to mediators followed by

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us president joe biden on may 31st giving a speech essentially announcing a 3 phase plan that would see an ultimate and to the war. what, how much gave their response later in june, it was plans by both the americans. and these really is who accused him us of removing key proponents of the deal news really said the best simply would not work for them. but now we are seeing a willingness from both sides. however, some anonymous is really official, say again that this could take some time because both sides want very different things and how and the families of the captives a warning of the consequences. if the government doesn't conclude the deal, what are they planning? the whole families of is really captives have been furious with these really prime ministers throughout the entirety of the war. saying that he's not capable, nor willing to come up with some sort of agreement to bring back the remaining a $120.00 captive. and remember that on june 24th nothing yahoo gave his 1st

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interview. so it was really media since the beginning of the war in which he essentially said he's stepping away from that 3 phase plan laid out by president biden saying that he's only willing to accept some sort of partial deal, but would only see the release of some captives, but following all of the back law, she later clarified his remarks, saying that he's committed to that deal. but now the families are saying that this is a critical point. these really government can not back truck from what they've been saying. that the goal of the war, one of the primary ones is to bring back the captives and the millions of people would take to the streets if the government essentially fumbled these types of negotiations during this period as well. so there's a lot of pressure on us at yahoo not only from his own public, but also from his own government members, the coalition and from allies like the united states and reports are indicating but nothing yahoo is going to have a meeting tomorrow to discuss how maces' responsible,

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be sure to follow all of those developments, but again, the families are furious as is the remaining is really public. all right, we'll leave it there. thanks so much. have this on hold. more than 50 palestinian men were released from his right. the jails on monday, one of them use admit that was imprisoned in 2002 for being a member of the alms waiting of the palestinian group thought that when he's been talking to, i'll just hear about his experience on the mac load reports. now the use of net that has a spent it 21 years in multiple is really jails. now 63, he walks with his grandson one till earlier this week. he had never met on monday use of was released back into the gaza strip. he describes the moment after his very force is removed, is a blindfold, dropped him off on a dusty street and told him to start walking. he went ahead for the dom, i should with the model. i shouldn't help seeing the destruction when i was

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released. i didn't even see people any except this don't to found me in the street in court like family was very emotional. i sold them. i cried because of those who killed and wounded and those living on the streets because they have nothing. including my wife and children. then we don't even have a time to leave the house next door to say, here's what are the greeted by friends and those who have come to pay their respect . some were not even born. when is really forces took him away more than 2 decades ago. he describes how you conditions of change when the war began and october the 1st and 2nd day. after the war started, the prisoners were attacked, and all their belongings were confiscated. televisions radios, close even the money we used to buy food from the can team with that was before the wolf, there was 69 people in each. so they started putting 15 people in the same size. use of was meant to be released in november,

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but it's randy authorities told him he had to stand to trial again. no lawyer was made available to him. he was sentenced to another 6 months and a transfer to a different prison. he was there. he met many men who had been detained since the beginning of the war in their home as an invasion. they were in a miserable condition. they were handcuffed and the bones in their hands were clearly visible out of the skin on their backs and peeled away. they cooled on the ground because they were so weak, they had no food. they had no rules for washing themselves. they had no clothes. some of them having showered in most at the show room was that they would be 3 times a day. they were forced to say and repeat the worst woods about themselves because that was bad smells, came from a dirty bodies in one of them that they wouldn't believe how distinguish you wouldn't be using. my daughter was 4 years old when he went to jail universal. her again is done in echo see that the most and especially was enough of

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prison during ramadan. when i was told my daughter of 4 children and had a husband being killed the last one, i saw that she was 4 years old. on the 1st day of age, we will be badly regardless of health conditions, all age. we were working really, agent that day deprived of food water clothes. and so when the police officer told me they'd like to go home and i said, i didn't want to be released. she almost why to nick at matilda. because the last time they said that obviously they took me to another prison and the state has live . this high live the reality of life in gaza. palestinians release it from his rid of captivity, are unable to return to the life. the ones knew their homes are no longer a safe haven. their family members a loved ones. last, with only their memories to hold on to honey my mode vieira from the fins road part of the gaza strip palestine to live in. and now what has the law says is $500.00

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rock is towards northern israel. the assault is part of around 10 operations on wednesday. targeting is right. the ministry sites. that action follows industry. the strikes on the house area in the seventy's city of fire, which killed the senior. has the law come on, the israel's defense minutes, they all go on says and then entries ready to take whatever action is required and 11 including crown fighting. as i said, bike has more for much. are you and in 711, the senior has to be laquonda killed today has been named justin. how much new madness or not he was in charge of the as easy unit mass that's living on is separated into 3 divisions or districts and sees as these unit was responsible for one of those divisions. a long deliberate on israel border. now it's a significant loss for his bizarre he was a senior commander, we have considerable experience. in fact, the reduced the visual of him taking part in operation against his very forces back

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in 1999 here in the says of live in on the as a result is below has retired to 10 separate attacks including foreign $100.00 patricia rockets. there's also a hit to the occupied goes in heights. in fact you're on, we heard some of those missiles and rockets taken off some stuff that happened on me stalls and hitting the occupied those in height to saw, the smoke rising and some of those fires. now what has been law has said that their response is within the framework in terms of responding to the kidding go assess the nation of the senior colanda. but it has been very busy today is where that's also being talked and says that everyone a, some fear that this is an escalation of to the king of the senior commander. i started bake just a measuring size, lebanon is right. the special forces have killed a palestinian man in jeanine. the 23 year old was shot to the call repass store where he worked. the incident is that i exist in the space of a tax and the occupied westbank and inside israel,

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new law that has more from the law and assess the nation in jeanine and the occupied westbank is really special forces executed a 23 year old body line that prominent young figure engineer and circle of palestinian fighters. it's the latest development in a violent 24 hours at midday, a stopping at a mall and cut me in in northern israel and is really a soldier was killed. another injured, the attacker was identified as a palestinian, is really citizen from the upper galleries. he was shot and killed by one of the soldiers is ready, police detained, the attackers, parents for questioning, and rated their home. the stabbing occurred just hours after and his really drone striking the north times refuge account for members of the tooth cut and brigade less than an armed group. the killings are only one aspect of israel's domination of palestinians. is ready forces demolished for homes in jericho. and 3 villages

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and the occupied west back on wednesday. since the beginning of the year, more than $1000.00 palestinians have been forced from their homes by is rarely demolitions. though looked at the thing, the strategic goal of the occupying state is to kill the possibility of a palestinian state. at w, as these homes are turned to rubble, israel announced the appropriation of nearly 1300 hector's, of palestinian land. the occupied westbank in 24 hours old dimensions of his really occupation are on full display killings, home demolitions, family displacements, and take over of land. it's also a reminder that these really occupation will continue to overshadow life in israel to do it all day as ita occupied was funk palestine. it is

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expected to go ahead with massive line seizure in the occupied westbank. this will bring the total amount of land taken by the state to a rec, all 12.7 square kilometers this. yeah, it would make it the largest line, grab a nova 3 decades, according to a sampling and tracking organization piece. now that abraham has moved from the law in the occupied westbank since the war starts, it is, or it has been advancing more supplements units in the lead. and his re supplements in the occupied westbank and confiscating lands in 2023. we were talking about the records, high number of southern men, 2 and it's being promoted would that number was 812000 now in 2024. we are talking about almost 10000 units being promoted or in the process of being advanced in the occupied westbank, making palestinians say that as well as continuing with its projects of expanding

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in league. it is really supplements in the occupied to us bank at the expense of the indigenous people. they say that the goal is to push as many products thing is out of their lives and replace them with is really such a there's with the expansion of those units. with the expansion of the supplements in the occupied with bank, we've been seeing an increase in set to their attacks against palestinian. so all of these plans are being preceded by palestinians here as the another way to consolidate the supplements presence. and the settlers presence here in the occupied wes thing need that, but he just the to the occupied westbank palace fine. thank you. more still ahead on the news out, including the white house is again insisting president joe biden has no plans to withdrawal from november's election. the final push to to kansas is asking the wrong president to run off. hold riley is the head of friday's election. and the us open champion, looking tossed,

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1st of the window the time for to show how she's been getting on the park. and beryl has scraped the southern part of jamaica with a category full, destructive wind, false as high as 225 kilometers. now is the most powerful hurricane to hit the caribbean so early in the year as a recorded or less that file of destruction in the south east of the region killing at least 6 people. the storm will take a swipe, the cayman islands into thursday. a harlequin boarding is also now in effect for pots of mexico. let's go live to who do you agree? i know in mexico city, so we know the edges of barrel have scraped through jamaica, giving it quite the last thing. what damages i paid so far?

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well, i think the, the extent of the damage won't really be known for a few hours until authorities. until 1st of all, the storm continues its path and leads jamaica behind and authorities can come out and assess really what has happened. we have been monitoring live feeds from the capitol kingston where we see even in comparison to an hour ago, the intensity of the reins and the winds has really stepped up. i think you make us now really being hit by the, the brunt of the storm. the prime minister has been active on social media. he said that there's some 500 people in shelters on the island. and also was very clear about emphasizing that. the danger is in no way over for jamaica's, he talked about the still the possibility of flash floods and so forth. but i think we'll continue to get updates over the next couple of hours as the storm moves away . and authorities can really specially along the southern coast of the country and

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authorities can really tell us what the storm has done. and if it has indeed been a serious as um, as they believed it would be, as, as, as the storm was approaching over the last few days, they were talking about catastrophic damage. so whether or not that actually happened will surely know in a few hours. and as it does move, we know it will be heading towards the cayman islands. mexico help people in those areas preparing as well. i think the 1st important thing to mention is that this is an area that is very, very used used to dealing with hurricanes and increasingly so over the last few years when hurricanes have been stronger and more frequent. so in the cayman islands, specifically, we know people are getting ready by doing the usual routine, taking boats off of the waterfront, boarding of homes, starting up on food and water may be fuel. this is just again what they have to go

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through every year as hurricane season approaches, specifically in mexico, where we are, the storm is meant to hit the yucatan peninsula, which is where the cities of can cone and to whom are 2 of the biggest tourist centers. in mexico, authorities there have already begun. first of all, they've deployed the army and the national guard, and they've already begun the evacuation of those who wish to be evacuated now because the storm, once it arrives there is supposed to be more of a category one or 2. at this stage, there are no mandatory evacuations except in waterfront hotels, in the stores resort of 2 looms. so the local governor has said that buses and boats would be available for people to be evacuated starting tomorrow. the storm is expected to get there late tomorrow or early, early friday, so there will be boats available, especially for residents in low lying areas in that state of mexico. all right, good stuff. the thanks so much we're going to be on now matthew. so mode is the

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jamaican minister of was held, the environment and climate change joins us from kingston. good to have you with us so. so 1st of all has how it can battle technically made land full in jamaica so far that well the, i haven't made the long fall, but it has skirted oil. so it's cool um for the last 8 or so i was so as early as 8 o'clock jamaican time this morning, you'd have experienced the initial inbox of hurricane buried in all eastern most points and more on the basem*nt, thomas. um, well, you know, the, the nature of hurricanes is that the work would have started several days ago to prepare for the space to alert persons for the fact that the storm was indeed coming from us. or that friday morning or prime minister had initiated emergency protocol and procedures with all of government agencies. we started communicating with our citizens that this was indeed an emergency that they needed to take. but

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to get a step, 6070 percent of our population live within 5 kilometers of the sea and low line areas. so storms of the financial with this sort of storm surge with this sort of leading that ran as is associated with hurricane barrels. it's never easy for us to be there and it was unexpected at this time of the year, admittedly. oh, how severe has the damage been then fixed rate in those low lying areas? it may be a little early to tell her, admittedly, um, you know, the 1st few i was it didn't cover the sort of inbox to that. so my projected, but as invariably happens with these starts of storms, it's right behind the i will let you have the greatest intensity. so we're seeing the greatest level of rain fall and greatest level of wind and southern partnership snow. so we are siege inbox. so uh, you know, how far is the group room for damage?

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i'm not hearing yet of any major damage to much public infrastructure. but what we are, we are working through our office of disaster preparedness, to coordinate responses from all the 14 municipalities. so early days, um we have not gotten what we could have gotten from this farm. how displayed landfall, but we're not yet out of the woods. it's still an incredibly dangerous storm. we're averaging wind gusts in the light on the bowl and drift category one category to where we do have and every once in a while, some, some good southern a category 3 or 4 inch, still a dangerous stone, but has the worst pasta this point. uh, i think we would be safe to say nothing about 2 more, $2.00 to $4.00 more. i was somewhere in that range. um we do have, we do estimate that we would have significant grandfather, simple midnight tonight. we'd expect to continue to face wind damage on the eastern most end of the island to find all the to our so i was so we've possible i don't if

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we pass the worst that they determined off. so you mentioned that so far, no reports of major infrastructure damage. does that mean that those warnings about power cots and flash flooding month slides that kind of concerned is no longer on the cards? no, no, we're absolutely still very concerned because at $425.00 generic on time looking at the prospect of one of the 8 that was a very in line slides are still very much possible. don't 4 lines are very much possible. what we're seeing is we've gone through the 1st top of this farm. certainly we are beyond the starting on the eastern end of the eastern half of the ad i've seen in the past, the passage of the i along with so cost. so we're going to play somewhere this morning, but the risk is still very much there. and we want to reiterate that,

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especially there it is, you may come to listening at home or abroad just set. this isn't. busy we've weather well so far, although we don't have all the reports yet. um, but from all indications, you know, we do have quite a bit of risk ahead of us. some of the jamaican minister of water, the environment, and climate change. thank you so much for joining us from kingston, jamaica. thank you for having me. the the winehouse these again insisting president joe biden has no blinds to withdraw from november's elections. the remarks come a mid media report, some democrats in congress are considering alternatives take on donald trump. bivens come on to increase screws in a sense who's pulled the bait performance last week. what i can say is the president is moving forward. he's moving forward is being president. he's moving forward with his campaign as his campaign has been very,

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very clear about that. that's what i can. that's what i can speak to and that's what i can say. and that is the president's focus. a white house correspondent, kimberly how kit has more to the white house still in damage control mode following president biden's for debate performance in that presidential debate. still the white house trying to lay the fears of members of the democratic party, reaching out to members, including the staff members here at the white house, the chief of staff. jeff guy is holding an all staff call saying that the last few days may be challenging, but his time to come together as a team and underscore the importance of executing the mission. the president and the vice president also calling into their campaign with the us president say, let me be as clear as i possibly can. i'm running. no one's pushing me out. i'm not leaving. i'm in this race to the end and we are going to win. now this is also the

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message that the us president is sending to governors and lawmakers who are equally concert. so even publicly calling for him to step aside, the president will be meeting with them and talking about how they have accomplished a great many accomplishments, threw out his 3 and a half years in the office. whether it's delivering jobs, economic recovery, rebuilding infrastructure, and even the middle class, and now is the time to weather the storm and return to the core issues. even if he may be at advanced age, he says it is time to portray a contrast between him and his rival. for president donald trump ad. well, there may be still many talking about his prepare for form. it's in that presidential debate. he says he is an energetic, 81 year old who will be continuing to showcase that as he goes to battleground

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states, including later this week, when he travels to wisconsin. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house still ahead on al jazeera, a major pole in the u. k. predict select from of this aust us for one policy and another securing the largest majority of models produced is 3. china is electric comic is race, foot terrace is facing in the you engaging tools to diffuse and accelerating. pray dispute uninstalled. the one upmanship has begun the head of england's no account classic gain. switzer, the life is from the roadside expanding for coming off the the, the big summer thunderstorms that we've seen towards flooding in the alps and huge

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hailstones in the balkans as to where that line is extends from romania up towards western russia. is it? that's effectively a cold front behind it. the weather's changed back on a month to 2. it looks more like spring than some other windsor up. the cloud is bringing reading with it all the way of a most the european plane. but something, some of the heading down to was agree, so hit temporarily, the heat being driven away as well. but i think we'll see them disappear. in fact, a good pound of west in europe will see an improvement from the point of view of summer weather sunshine and rising temperatures during friday. even the winning to the west med will tend to ease down to some degree. it knows it's not true. the northern europe, the british owls the low countries, particularly denmark and, and sweden, it still looks sad. the western men do temperatures and the 20s, the real heat still pushed along were east. what does return to harden green? for example, should return to spain poacher go it to the and if you'd like to run

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a good example here, we're not exactly boss getting above average temperatures. we have at least maintained average temperatures, those doctors to a heart. but more interestingly from the big shars, the of the world wait to see if the international criminal court will issue a rest. torrence for the lead does. it is right. i've come up. people in power which the i ccs track record on trial. this court was created to hold those responsible, accountable, prevent such crimes from happening again. so is the i c, c fit for purpose? people in power analysis, era african stories from african perspective. 3 short documentary, by african filmmakers from fairly own democratic republic of congo and cape,

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rhode island. life is actually music the way people talk, the way we walk is russ. everything's trusting timing. go tell them on the mountain . friend of the and mechanics see a new series of africa direct on, i'll just 0 the the you're watching out just here at the time. so any capital headlines now is where the forces of bummed that area and then also the hospital in time. you this in the south house that was hits in the con you, this was next to a school for this place. palestinians, as the law says,

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it's $500.00 rock is towards nov and israel off the one of it senior come on. this was killed in an x ray. the sign is ready for us is talking to the vehicle in the house area and 11. the city of fire park and barrel is great. so the southern positive jamaica is one of the most powerful holler cuz to hit the caribbean, and he is best to trail of destruction in the southeast region, killing at least 6 people. the wednesday marks the final day of campaigning. i had a bit rounds, presidential run of those on friday. the 2 candidates have been holding that final, riley's conservative side debbie. they took 38 percent the 1st round for full misconduct. my so it's fuzzies, keion, 142 percent of the vote. the sort of rack hold low to announce elections were held

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off the presidency abraham, the se was killed in a helicopter crash in may. so so started off as more from the hold on. now is the last day of the presidential campaign in iran, but for many iranian more important than who is going to be yours. next presence is what this to know is going to be in around the state has to additionally enjoy the high to now sometimes exceed an 80 percent, but that's the rent has changed. it's $121.00 possession election. it was a turn off of, you know, 49 percent. then it's $1.00 to $24.00 parliamentary election. it went floor there will be no below 41 percent done in the 1st round of this last presidential election. the total was 39.92 before low to now says the establishment of the as long as the pop is, let me talk a book one, talk to people about the reason for this low turnout. this is, it is the economy called ships that they're suffering you run has been under the

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sanctions imposed by the west and companies. this is becky. and this, such as are 3 of them, you need an economy. so there is any nation off or 20 percent higher unemployment, and the prizes are kind of walk in and the waters have leaps of faith that any outcome of the elections will bring any positive change. so now the general expectation in iran is that if this demand or low turnout continue, that is going to 1st set perhaps benefit the, the conservative candidates generally. but if the, the form is, can do that mr to this young can further mobilize this before missed what the base to go to the ballot boxes. then his chances of winning the election is going to be high. instead of that, i'll just say wrong. the b u. k is opposition labor policies on trying to win the largest majority of any policy involved in history and says de selection. that's

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according to a final you golf projection case. thomas labor is predicted to waiting for $131.00 seats. prime minister, she's so nice conservatives expected to wait a 102. that would give labor a majority of $212.00 seats for the challenge and falls from london the final day of campaigning. it wouldn't make any difference any more. is there any one out there who hasn't already made up their minds? opinion polls haven't moved much in months, but one day before the u. k. votes, potty elite is we're in the finishing stretch on the campaign trail. trying to chase down any remaining on the side. effects for labels keeps tom a who will most. every poll suggests he's on track for a crushing land slide. the biggest worries complacency he doesn't want vices to feel labels victories in the bag. no farther to turn out. we have cartoon for every

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bytes and across the country them over constituencies which will go down to the wire. and therefore, we will continue to fight until 10 o'clock tomorrow night might be the case with change of funds. if you vote for it, the country is tired of the governing conservative record of austerity breaks it tend, scandal. most conservatives have resigned themselves to defeats even the prime minister seems like he's struggling to maintain a veneer of optimism. tomorrow's vote is an important one for the country. either lots of people haven't made up that mind. so i just always people, i get frustrations with the pos, but think about what the labor government would mean for your family. for the other parties, the liberal democrats screens and nigel power rogers reform policy. the question is whether they can convert it's often sizable vote shifts into a meeting from number of seats getting millions of bites. we're going to do that on set that getting some seats i'm set in a bit. if it's a lot more than that,

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then fantastic. the case best of the post system usually punishes smaller policies with parliamentary relevance. so on friday morning will 14 years of conservative rule of being consigned to the history books will the 1st labor leader since 2010 be walking through that famous front door as prime minister, a sense for devices to the side of course. but the united kingdom appears to be on the costs of an e read finding change, rory tenants out a 0 london, a divide between u k vs and visit action has a new twist age rather than clause. so income is now the prediction of who will vote for labor and who votes for conservative. now one academic explain the change to, i'll just here, i'm the cetera and the research here in the electoral psychology in behavior. i research how age and generations affect political attitudes and behavior and what

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a sound is that in the u. k. when he comes to voting, age is the new class. it doesn't really matter what your background is, but rather what your age is. young voters just stop floating at the same rate as older voters, but then when they do vote, they tend to vote labor to a much higher rate. and then older voters and this gap instead of remaining stable as increased at every election since 2015 rex. it for young people was a very significant moment because it kind of awakened this political consciousness . and that's when we see turned out to increase again the come with narrative around this young people's interest is the tool they care about our social values, you know, progressive values, but what they care about the most is the economy. and in the u. k, at the moment young people are really struggling financially. they are, you know, they find it very difficult to buy a house and that's something that is very important in this country. so me personally, it's housing with a so it'd be the be able to get onto the housing ladder. and the other hand for

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older people, the economy doesn't actually matter as much. they do colorado to more about immigration process affects and everything. so there is so much of a misconception about what these groups actually want and parties are not necessarily the top thing you know, into the right issues to try and attract them. one of the new developments that we've noticed in recent decades is that young people today effectively stay young for longer. so in the past, things like buying a house, getting married, having kids and starting to full time job would happen in so you know, early twenty's, mid twenty's, maybe at the latest. and this is important and select charlotte because these things affect how you vote the traditional dynamic was that the older you get, the more money you may cut, the more likely you are to become right link. but what's changed now is at use starts being given this financial position much later in life. and by that point you have been voting for our last when party for many, many years,

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the more time passes and the older these voters get, the less likely they will be to vote for the conservative party. every party should really have an interest, you know, in trying to attract these voters, but the only a few seem to be going in that direction will be interesting to see what's gonna happen this time around. a few 1000 people have gavin and power as to protest. the rise of the fall right in front. it demonstrates is ran into the square of a low public. they protested against the results of the 1st round of the parliamentary election, which sold the national ronnie secure. the most votes. the far right has the government, the national level in front since world war 2. it does, however, have more recent experience at local level. the national front, now the national riley left behind the dramatic legacy into long also being in pals at more in the late 1990 step boss and travel to the city in southern

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france. with this report to law afford safety with a french naval base was meant to be successfully for the fall right in 1995 people elected amir from the national from a party whose leader shaw marie lupin had been convicted for down playing the hold . of course, embraces and only for decades of the end of world war to the appointment of the offense partition into no cause to stir in europe. but it wasn't long before the file rights room started to crumble some bucks out because money was taken from people. and instead of building projects like a tunnel, they just abandon the streets with the t v. as we members how to national front only push projects that benefit the right wing support as it doesn't. even people are a french origin, started to reject the national front because they were left out. and people for an origin like us were afraid, the international research and study in the far right project pain, the picture of mismanagement and corruption in 2001 the meal was voted out of

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office leaving behind significant. that is political opponents cleaned up the city, but to law, the staff move fast. it's negative experience with the far right. the national riley one the 1st round of this election and is hoping for majority. and the 2nd round on sunday news i want to say is we have change, then we will not ready to take up responsibility. but now with alita jordan by della, we have a great team and everyone is ready and they don't know what the national riley is ready to govern when we pay those for free or to give the party a 2nd chance are attracted by it and to immigration, stands to law as a rare case study of a fall right administration at the local level, which many say was catastrophic while the national riley has promised that it has learned it's less than some uh not so sure. left wing candidates. eric, how we see is spending time with his family, after withdrawing from the election race to give assent was candidates

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a better chance of beating the national riley? the event definitely the same people. the still the from when joe marie le pen was running the policy on a, they didn't prove that communications with tick tock, videos and so forth. but behind it and nothing has changed. i don't believe it for a 2nd on your way to re up seals as though it's $9.00 to $95.00 all over again with a number of that file right and a fee of full migrant community. this mailbox full of national riley leaflets. the hopes of possible fall, right government is a short lived as it was baghdad, steadfast and l just sierra to long friends. now, bulk area could be facing a 7 selection, and 3 is political uncertainty. continues that. the sense that i've got policy failed to secure as a full for a propos, cabinets in parliament. the minority guffman could not get the backing of all the policies and lost the vote. $98.00 to a $138.00. thousands of albanians have come out for the funeral of the country's

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best. no novelist and play arrived who smiled, cuz all day the prime minister joined foreigners and paying is respects, albania, has declared 2 days of mourning, neighboring kosovo, which is dominated by ethnic. albanians also declared a day of mourning. canada died at the age of 88 who was nominated for the nobel prize village of 15 times. one demand book comprise, along with other rewards to a place in india, have launched investigations off to at least a 121. people were killed in a stem paid on tuesday. tens of thousands of people had attended a religious event in the northern states of, of, for the child. stratford reports the, the family of 35 year old ruby derby, a grief stricken, and a shot ruby was among the more than a $120.00 people killed in a stampede. such

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a religious event in production tuesday. please say most of the victims with children many would crush to death. all fell into a roadside drain in the rush to leave off to assume and by a popular preacher. and as a duff storm swept across the area, police estimate around $250000.00 people were at the event. that's 870000 mold, and the number initial police report said i'd be granted permission to attend. there are conflicting reports as to what, who is to blame? this vehicle is available. we have gavin, everybody's at fault that really just google us, the 1st one to be planned by that. and what can we say about the work of administration? it's going to be an issue of what to say anything about it. witnesses described to we succeed and it was in the optimal suggesting the windows and of health and

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safety measures in place if you could possibly i think some were breathing somewhere in the day when a terrible condition just gets reported. what's on some of this? prove breedlove and we made them drink and wrapped them out and no one. there was no ambulances here more than one came late and then we stopped the car and went and supported the patients to the hospital. stays with ortiz, have launched an investigation plan by the office of the previous call left about the devices for us to talk to. you see the crowd didn't stop pushing and that's what caused this campaign. people were trampled and suffocated due to the whole crowd. many heavy miller, debbie was at the event with a sister in grand daughter. grand daughter was missing the last few months ago. every one was pushing and shoving, and it was totally kills. they told me a good was in the hospital and you tell me, wednesday, but it was and my grand daughter is still looking for her many families of the

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victims. so government negligence is partially to blame. police are investigating some of the event organizes on several challenges, including comfortable homicide child started to 0. china and the european union are discussing plan terrace on the electric vehicles from china to sides agreed to negotiate officer, the you announced levies of up to 38 percent to compensate for what it says on say government subsidies. but if no agreements is reached, the duties will come into effect on the 1st day is katrina you explains from badging in china. electric vehicles o e v, a club inside the country has the largest battery powered comma in the world. the government initiatives that have led to the industries growth and now the focus of intense negotiation between the european union and chinese officials. the u. choose

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as china of on sally subsidizing the industry and wants to raise tires on inputs. the move has and good badging to get in with you to china. it has expressed a resolute opposition to the use and the subsidy in investigation, and advocated proper handling of a good nomic of trade frictions through dialogue, and the consultation. to propose changes will depend on each manufacturer as corporation, with the investigation and would be added to the 10 percent tariff already in place . for jamaica, b, y d faces, the lowest additional judy of 17.4 percent will say more to is would be subject to the biggest hug of 38 point one percent. non chinese manufacturers who produce in the country including tesla and b, m. w will also be effected for non us domestic economy, unemployment. so this is not good news because that means in the next few years, we'll probably see more of an incentive to move my capital and investment

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overseas. so that's not the jobs created in china. china describes the move as protection is and has defended the rapid growth of its electric vehicle markets as the result of receptive consumers and definitely developed industrial network. there's also been criticism from within the european union, including the land, which is one of the white, a trade during the visit to china last month. germany's economic assessments to cold, the tire. it's a dangerous development. the exports or intensive countries like china and germany, must work against this tendency off to separate the markets. china has already threatened to impose terrorist on european port, opening an anti dumping investigation into inputs into katrina, alpha 0 aging. now mount esna and italy has a rob to it officer a fully is of quiet one of the most active volcanoes in the world at those. what i,

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gen x ray to is exploding lava and magnet. it's been flowing in a new credit to a cold book, a new all over and over 3000 meters high about and that is your tool list. active volcano? i said i had allowed to 0 and support. we look at which teams are looking good, getting into the cobra america for the final the what does a, i really mean for the future of humanity? what sort of future society do we want to create and all this technology roommates? do we still have power of choice, age guys, which actually autonomy and operating in doing this is the apple kind of technician who is it already too late? so if corporations has more power, might in the building an entire country, the future is going to be good for the i would be nice to be functions as well as

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human on al jazeera, the challenges here with the full size. let's find out what's been happening in the world tennis, right? people? that's quite right. so let me say this is where we became defending wimbledon means champion. call us alvarez's beads and australia is alexander book of john spencer colt. in the 2nd round, the spaniard took care of business as mice would have expected him to do how crowds wouldn't dispatch 7662,

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and 6 to these next assignment is the 3rd round contest against 29. see that the american francis, cfo? simon, i'm really happy about my performance uh today that i that i play uh, as in different sets. he was, uh, was, uh, uh, the key for, for me, you know, just to, uh for the suicide really go see he says for, for the said, but the also the other thing a place to really go direct on the, to the yes that goes out to that, that said that you paid really high level so i'm really happy about it. but will number 8 casper roots time, but this is wimbledon has ended. the no region was up facing the 2nd round by it's at least 37 year old savvy, a phone. you need a full my tops inside of himself. what do you need showed? he still has something left in the tank here. you tell him coming out on top in full say 6 full 7567 and 6. to be full of women's will. number one them?

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yes. okay. is out the japanese came on stuck against emma navarro of the united states, and who was in fasick to the american thrashing of soccer, 6 full and $61.00 in only 59 minutes on since the cold. she will take on rushes, deonna schneider in the 3rd round. also in the women's door will number to coca golf, assailed into the 3rd round. the us open champion was up against romanian, qualified, and could sit ernie. coffee was knocked out in the evening round of the tournament last you had no problem getting past a 19 year old opponent, the american drug test 3 games in a 6261 victory. we're heading towards the cup of america, quote, the final stage. here's how the last day look, so you won't find host nation, the usa and these matches as they failed to qualify columbia winning the group, sets up a more favorable cash with panama. well preserved face of tricky test against you regard defending champions. argentine are up against equitable, and venezuela take on the canada. we've been speaking to full, broad,

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costa one around go who believes it's hard to see anyone's stopping origin tina from winning the tournament. let's start with the easy one because with argentina, basically, right now they're the prohibitive favorites to win. the couple america may be the only team that could beat argentina, right now the many have said that is argentina themselves. and maybe your entries course they know must be questionable to play against equity or in houston. but in terms of the prohibitive favorite brazil ends up kind of viewing in the opposite direction. because that it's, it's a generation of brazilian players that have seen diminished, that there is no productivity. there isn't an identity in terms of how they're playing football in recent weeks. the players like hendrick corps deemed as the joules of a brazilian football haven't been given as much of a chance under dirty about junior. and he and the over cautious news and, and trying to be very, very sure footed, instead of being risky or how we use the same result as kind of not pay dividends in terms of what preserves overall performance has been right now. it's very

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difficult to, to say argentine aren't going to win this tournament, but if there's a team that might be able to beat them, it's, you're away. the one up and ship has already begun to hit of england 0. 2024. cool to find lagoons, switzerland swift fluid quad will do as soon as he's teammate. is it on security score to pay to go when jude benning comes over? he'd kick shakiness at a long range scream against the scuffle into the group stage. well bidding in this domestic light go since he signs last 16 game against slovakia into extra time with england eventually winning the really soon. so this is the goal of shakira. you was better, it was hard to to school then billings. so it's nice a, it was a go that helped to fill out security. his already school would many beautiful goals and i say it again. his goal was nice of and then think pals, both gold medalist um on the planters sides made some pretty bold come inside of the patterson lympics. the swedish stock says there's a reason why people think he should win. every potable competition he enters,

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and that's because you should in he's opinion, defrances is also a 2 time world champion. and i know that the level that i jump and the level of attention and 9 or should, i should jump, you know, over 6 meters, every competition. you know, if somebody comes the next competition and catches me, i want to say where they jump 610, and they, they all try me and it's something that i couldn't do that day then. yeah, so be it. but you know, for, for the most part, if i jump well and i jumped away that i should jump, then i should, i should be able to take care of business on the conditions that i'm at. present in small kevin dish is the new record holder for to the front stage. wins the 59 year old kevin dish, one wednesday's foot stage. that gives him 55 stage waiting substitute of funds. that's one more than the legendary 80 books. all right, that's all the sports needs for tonight. semi thanks so much k to. well that's it for the new south back in the full show. so do stay with us here on out here on

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the hidden in homes and communities across india is a deadly fiber, especially the world's largest import india uses, especially in this product from roosting to call, leaving work is with a dangerous one. i want to investigate, especially in just sign in on out is there. we don't simply focus on the politics of the conflict. is the human suffering. that's the report. we brave bullets and bombs, and we always include the views from all sides. and we look at the worlds to please me stories. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is indeed back from the markets and economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide,

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economic problems be addressed. certainly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually pulling. why is that? counting the cost? oh no, just the euro. this business uptake this voltage by the 6 and back growth partner of the dash before he is the

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this business uptake these roads thought no bundle a dash football to use the the hello, i'm sammy's. i them, this is the news i live from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes presidential areas in gaza under is riley attack again, that i just trying to con units in one of the few functioning hospitals. less says is exchanged ideas with mediators and responds to a proposal for a seas 5.

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