Princeton Daily Clarion from Princeton, Indiana (2024)

PRINCETON, INDIANA, AUGUST 22, 1941 THREE PREFERRED-IN THIS EASY-TO-MAKE ANNE ADAMS ORIGINAL! but best of all, so blessedly easy to make. the pattern's clear instruction sheet and the helpful modern sewing machine attachments, you'll set a record for sewing speed! This style, Pattern, 4812, 1 is available in sizes 12 to 20 and 32 to 40. It is only one in a series of Anne Adams patterns high-lighted on our Woman's Page. Watch for them, every day! Send FIFTEEN CENTS in coins for this Anne Adams Pattern. Write plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS and STYLE NUMBER.

Send your order The Clarion-News and Democrat, Pattern Department. 243 West 17th Street, New York, N. Y. Plaid with plain is the new Fall formula! Add that combination to jumper -like lines and vou have a perfect fashion for the office or the great outdoors. Our own designer, Anne Adams, creates this clever one-piece style in dark brown wool jersey, with dramatic yellow and brown plaid for sleeves and Notice that dropped shoulder-line-it's the important new silhouette trend! The onebutton neckline and bracelet-length sleeves are other significant style pointers.

This exciting fashion is distinctive and different, FAMILIES HOLD PICNIC The families of the Fowler apartments held a picnic supper Thursday evening. The tables. decorated with garden flowers, were set in the driveway between the apartments. Twenty-two were present. During the evening the group presented Mayor and Mrs.

T. C. Fowler with a gift, Knit Accessories For Women's Auxiliaries Says Laura Wheeler COPR. 1981, NEEDLECRAFT SERVICE, INC. KNITTED ACCESSORIES by Laura Wheeler Entirely in seed stitch in Cashmere Sports yarn, this pull-on sweater is knitted according to British Red Cross specifications for war relief work.

Pattern 2788 contains directions for a pullover (long sleeves or sleeveless). helmet cap and socks; illustrations of them and stitches; materials required. Attention: Orders for patterns must be sent to the NEW YORK address given below. Orders CANNOT be handled if addressed to the newspaper office in Princeton. Send ten cents in coin for this pattern to the Clarion-News and Daily Democrat, Needlecraft 82 Eighth avenue, New York City, New York.

Write plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Hazleton MRS. ADA DECKER Correspondent L. C. A.

MEETING The local church activities unit of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Hazleton Methodist Church met in the church. Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, for their regular ses; sion. Mrs. John L. Hudelson was the leader.

Attending 4-H Camp Misses Betty Ann Phillips and Carol June Barnett left Sunday afternoon to attend the 4-H camp at Shakamak State Park. Farewell Sermon Rev. Rollan Hobgood, who has served as minister of the Hazleton General Baptist the past two and a half years, preached his farewell sermon the church Sunday evening. Rev. Hobgood filled his regular appointment both morning and evening and presided at a baptizing in White river above the old Hazleton ferry landing.

He has a pastorate at the Twelfth Avenue church, in Evansville. The Rev. Thornton of Evansville, has been selected by the local church membershin to fill the vacancy here and will conduct services on the first and third Sundays of each month. Entertain Guests Guests entertained in the home of Mr. ands Mrs.

Virgil Robling, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, were Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe say and son, Charles of Urbana, Mr. and Mrs. Rex.

Lindsay, of Mt. Carmel, Mr. and Mrs. Forest Robling and son, John Leon, of Terre Haute: Mr. and Mrs.

Verne McCallister and daughter, Sharon Jane of Patoka; Mrs. J. W. Peed and Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Peed, of Princeton; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Richter, of Freelandville; Mrs. R. McCallister and Mrs.

Ida Robling. Attend Reunion Those from Hazleton attending the annual reunion held for descendants of the late Thomas Horrall Sunday in the East Side park in Washington, were and Mrs. E. H. Harrington, daughter, Miss Dotia: Mrs.

Everette Wolfe, daughter, Laura Ann; Addie H. Hudelson. Nettie Sisson, Grace Horrall and Hope Mason. A number from Patoka, Princeton and Decker Chapel were among the group. During the afternoon business session, which was conducted by the president, John L.

Horrall, the officers for 1942 were elected as follows: President. Mabel S. Harrington Hazleton: vice president, Maurice Horrall of near Hazleton, and secretarytreasurer. Ethel Horrall Russell, of Patoka. Mrs.

Everette Wolfe and Addie Hudelson, of Hazleton, were named to have family data and records at next meeting, third Sunday in August, 1942, at Gregg Park in Vincennes. Awards were made to John R. Horrall, of Vincennes Route 5, as the eldest person present and Judith Ann Horrall, two months old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Horrall of Montgomery.

Cousin Is Ill Mrs. Charles McGuire spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. Joe Cargal, who is seriously ill at the home of her son, Granville Palmer in Vincennes. Enlists In Air Corps Ansel Lindy, son of Mr. and at Mrs.

Eldon Lindy of Hazleton, has joined the United States Army Air Corps as an electric welder and machinist and has been sent to Ellington Field, Tex. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Forest Anthis and son, Richard, left Sunday for several days vacation trip through different states. Enroute home they will visit relatives in Tulsa.

Belle Nichols of Petersburg and friends visited her cousin, Charles Shawhan, here the past week. Mr. Shawhan stated it was the first meeting of the cousins in more than twenty and Mrs. Charles F. Fithian spent the week-end in I Evansville, guests Mr.

and Mrs. E. O. Simpson. Mrs.

Ernest McFetridge visited her daughter, Miss Jane and her mother, Mrs. J. Patton, in Terre Haute, over the Martha Arthur of Cleveland, is visiting her brother, H. M. Arthur and family.

-Miss Betty Flo Gieseke of Patoka, was the guest of Miss Jacquie Weitzel, Monday. -John L. Hudelson spent Sunday Broadway Food Market We Deliver Phone 63 WEEK-END SPECIALS FANCY BABY BEEF COOKIES Chuck Reast Macaroon Creme Choice, 1b. Sandwich, 2 lb. 23c 35c Shoulder Roast 25c Coconut Creme Bars Lb.

2 lb. 29c Loin Steaks 35c Lemon Kake Lb. Large Cut Type, lb. 15c Round Lb, Steaks 37c HOME GROWN POTATOES Pork Roast Shoulder 30c Nice Smooth. and 10 Lbs.

19c Lh. Pork Chops ELBERTA PEACHES Veal Small, Chops Lean, Lb. Nice Slicing For 4 Lbs. 12c 33c Lb. Special Price For Canning 27c Veal Roast 25c A Perfect Bleach MIRA-CLO Lb.

Shoftens, Whitens, Sliced Bacon 30c Bleeches, full 10c Full Slices, Lb. SPIC SPAN Radio Bacon 21c For Cleaning All PaintSugar Cured ed Surfaces, A 16 oz. pkg 23c ARMOUR BACON Pure Concord GRAPE JUICE 10 to 12 Avg. Lh. 27c Full Dauntless quarts Brand 25c ARMOUR STAR PICNIC Shankless and Tender 26c Mason Genuine JAR Zine, LIDS 21c Sweet Lb.

16 Oleo 15c Giant SOAP Bars. 9 for 14c Frying Full Dress, Chickens 34c Sunkist Nice and LEMONS Juicy, doz. 29c Personals Miss Deloris Hays is visiting in Chandler, with her brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor.

Mrs. George Miller and daughter. Mary Elizabeth of Chicago, visiting former's mother, Mrs. H. C.

Barr. Frank Kimbrough returned homes Thursday morning from St. Louis where she has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Otis King and Mr. King.

Her daughter, Miss Norma Jean Kimbrough, who has been there for the past two months, returned here also. Mrs. Flora Hays and children, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lofton and children, and Mrs.

Irene Dyson were the recent guests of their sons, James Hays and Lionel Lofton who are stationed at Tell City. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grunder and daughter, Mrs. James Beckner of this city, Miss Katie Grunder and Edward Hickrod of Haubstadt attended funeral services for Mr.

Grunder's and Miss Grunder's uncle, Oliver Wilzbacher in Evansville Thursday morning. Miss Mildred Chambers of this city, Howard Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartig of Evansville have returned from a week-end visit in St. Louis where they attended the opera, "The Desert Song." Leslie Bent of Ft.

Branch was a visitor here, Thursday. J. C. Thompson was here Wednesday on business from Louisville, Ky. Dr.

and Mrs. L. W. Gladish, Mr. and Mrs.

Dudley Miller, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Beatty and son, Jack, and Mr.

and Mrs. James Beckner, Mrs. Joseph Grunder, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.

McFetridge of Hazleton were among those in attendance at the chicken supper sponsored by the A. of Mt. Olympus in the school gym there, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

Lennis Kendle, Mrs. Frank Hall and son, Jimmy Lee, Mrs. Charles F. Montgomery and Mrs. Arthur W.

Padgett visited the latter's daughter, Mrs. Murel T. Jones and Mr. Jones in Oakland City, Thursday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul McGarrah and daughter attended the chicken supper at Mt. Olympus, Thursday evening. Mrs. Albia Yeast and son, Junior of Ft.

Branch were visitors here, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crecelius have gone to Springfield, for a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Cavinder and Mr.

Cavinder. They will be joined there Sunday by their daughter, Miss Carol night with Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Decker in Kingman.

Miss Dotia Harrington has returned from a vacation trip East. She visited her brother, Horrall, at Pittsburgh and sister, Martha and Crecelius, who has been attending summer school at Boulder, and return home. Mrs. Byron Cocanower and children of Oakland City, visited here, Thursday. John Hoagland returned to Franklin Friday after a visit here with Mrs.

A. F. Chambers and family. Mrs. Anna Singer of visited here, Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Singer of Haubstadt were among the visitors here. Thursday. Mrs.

Naomi Redman of Haubstadt and Mrs. Ercel Boren of Owensville were Thursday visitors in the city. Wedding Bells Coale-McConnell OAKLAND CITY, Aug. 22 (Special) Announcement has been made here of the marriage of Miss Jean McConnell, daughter of Mrs. McConnell, of Francisco to Louis Edward Coale, son of Mr.

and Mrs. M. E. Coale of Oakland City. The wedding took place in St.

Charles, on August 15 at 6:15 p. m. The couple was attended by the bride's sister, Mrs. Mary Colvin of Francisco and her cousin, Bert McConnell, also of Francisco. The bridegroom, a graduate of the Oakland City high school.

is employed by the Peoria Caterpillar Tractor company Peoria, where the couple will reside. McConnell-Stone WINSLOW, Aug. -The marriage of Miss Ruth Stone, Cynthiana, and Herbert A. McConnell, Winslow, was solemnized in the Methodist church at Garrison, Iowa, Sunday, August 17. Rev.

Arthur Holtry, pastor of the Methodist church and brotherin-law, officiated, using the single ring ceremony. The attendants were Mrs. Arthur Holtry and Clifford Stone, sister and brother of bride. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left for a short motor trip. The bride, the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Grover Stone of Cynthiana, attended Indiana State Teachers college and Northwestern university. She has been a teacher! in the Owensville schools for the past six years. The bridegroom was graduated from Indiana State Teachers' college and is completing his Master's degree in industrial education at University of Missouri. Mr.

McConnell, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred McConnell, Winslow, has been teaching in the St. Petersburg, schools but has resigned to accept a position in the Rivers Junior high school in Charleston, S.

where they will reside. RECOVERING FROM OPERATION Mrs. Marion F. Byers, who derwent a minor operation Deaconess hospital in last Monday, is improving (By the FORSYTHE W. S.

C. MOVING TO DETROIT Forsythe-Oak Grove Adrian Lea has secured a position in Detroit, Mich. Mrs. Lea and children will join him soon and will make their home there. W.

S. C. S. Meeting Forsythe W. S.

C. S. met with Mrs. James Kennedy Friday afternoon, with thirteen members present in a business meeting. Dinner Guests Mr.

Mrs. Charles M. Heathman and Mrs. Homer and W. Heathman, of Winslow, Mr.

and Mrs. Maurice Williams, son, John Raymond and daughter Annie Laurie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Homer W. Heathman, and family.

Family Reunion Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Thompson of Geary, and brother, Wert Thompson, of Farmington, arrived Saturday for a visit with their brother, Wendell Thompson and sister, Mrs. Aetna Wade and family.

This is the first time the four have been together in fourteen years. Guests At Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kennedy and daughter, Mary Katherine of Evansville; Mr. and Mrs.

Dean Shoulders, of Princeton, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Kennedy and Miss Alma Kennedy. Hospital Notes Mrs. T.

R. Young and baby, Mt. Carmel, were dismissed today. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs.

O. J. Gudgel and daughters, Cathryn and Juanita Jo and Mrs. Gudgel's father, George King, returned home Wednesday evening from an eight weeks' visit in Wisconsin. The greater part of their vacation was spent at Wissoto Beach.

En route home they stopped in Rochester, and also visited in Iowa and Illinois. IS INJURED IS INJURED Chester Brown, 1008 S. Stormont street, this city. an employe at Kings mine, suffered a sprained ankle while working last night. He received treatment at the local hospital.

WHISKEY WITH THE MILK CHESTER, Pa. (UP) Mrs. Lucy Martin got quite when she opened the and reached for the milk was there but bottles of whisky-full touched. Two Negroes taproom and left the Mrs. Martin's step nearly were re apprehended, family at Newark, N.

J. at her home in this city. I revealed. TOMORROW AUG. IS YOUR LAST CHANCE For This Dollar Day Bargain To Those Living On the Rural Routes in Gibson County You May Get EITHER The Clarion- News or Daily Democrat 6 Months for $1.00 1 Year for $1.75 During "Dollar Days" In Princeton, Aug.

21, 22, 23 Mail subscriptions to either the Clarion- or the Daily Democrat will be accepted at these reduced prices over our counter or by mail ONLY. Solicitors will not accept subscriptions at these rates. COME IN! DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS DOLLAR DAYS BARGAIN. This offer positively closes at midnight Saturday, August 23, and will not be repeated. Clarion-News and Daily Democrat PRINCETON, IND.

Deaths---Funerals Mrs. Fannie Toney Funeral services for Mrs. Fannie Toney were held at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon at the Colvin chapel, Dr. L. C.

Jeffrey, pastor of the First Methodist church, conducted the service. Burial was in the I. 0. 0. F.

cemetery. Lyndel Lee Linxwiler Brief funeral services for Lyndel Lee Linxwiler, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Linxwiler, this city, who died early yesterday morning at the Methodist hospital, were held at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the Colvin Chapel, with the Rev. J.

L. Magness, pastor of the Church of God, officiating. Burial was in Walnut Hill cemetery, Ft. Branch. Surviving besides the parents are two brothers, Bobby Joe Rollin Earl; a sister, Sylvia Ruth; the grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Linxwiler, all of Princeton.

SEEKS DIVORCE Margaret Elliott, Hazleton rural route 2, seeks an absolute divorce from Curtner Elliott, on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment, in a suit filed in the Gibson circuit court. The plaintiff also asks restoration of her former name, Margaret Burkhart. The parties were married October 8, 1938 and separated April 4, 1940, according to the complaint. CLASS HOLDS PICNIC Members of the Murr Made class of the First Methodist church and their families enjoyed a picnic supper at Lafayette park, Thursday evening. A social evening followed.

Thirty-five were in attendance. A LOAN PLAN FOR EVERYONE QUICK 1 DAY SERVICE There's no delay in obtaining a cash loan of $50 $150 $250 or more from this office because we make loans without red tape or needless detail, and there's a Loan Plan for Everyone -one to meet your particular requirements. How to Get a Loan in, address write or below 'phone and answer a few simple questions. We will arrange the loan privately (only you need know) and have the money ready in one day. Bring this ad to remember our address.

Capital FINANCE CORPORATION 125 W. Broadway Phone 526 A Want Ad Will Bring ResultsTry One. Phone 100. Services At Gospel Temple, Owensville. Are Announced OWENSVILLE.

Aug. 22 The following services will be held at the Gospel Temple here Sunday and next week, it was announced today by the pastor, the Rev. R. L. Snyder.

School, Herschel Gardner, superintendent; Morning Worship, subject, "Where Faith Christ Coming in Glory;" School at $8830 Crawleyville Gospel Mission; People's Fellowship Service, subject, "Seven Fools in Scripture: Bible Study at Crawleyville; Prayer and Praise. Service: Junior Choir practice. Public invited. ATTEND FUNERAL OAKLAND CITY, Aug. 22 (Special) -Mrs.

Clyde Reid and daughter. Mrs. Fred Beauchamp attended the funeral of the former's cousin. Mrs. Gash Hunt at Carmi, Wednesday.

Mrs. Nora McConnell was a visitor here Friday from Francisco. will unin the Evansville nicely a shock front door milk. The SO were 29 and unrobbed a liquor on when they police GET SEARS SAVINGS Put Your Car in TOP SHAPE TIP For Labor Day and Fall Driving ALLSTATE DOUBLY GUARANTEED TIRES Non-Skid or Rib Tread Size 4.75-19 5.25-17 7.20 Size 8.35 7.50 5.50-16 Old Tire Your prices include your 6.25-16 8.35 old 10.65 tires SIZE 4.75x19 in exchange Guaranteed for 18 months of time" satisfactory guarantee. wear plus Fleet a tested.

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Princeton Daily Clarion from Princeton, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.