on a a 1 01 da stole on I a in ch- a 1 1 .0181 ,02 Y.IUL 2AMIT The FOR SYDNEY direct, is daily espected to arrive, the and will with the utmost despatch, beving fine coppered be 000 HODGSON SMITH, for Pre height apply to L. W. 94, NOR SYDNEY direct. has room disengaged for tone of outy, and will on the 2506 Britab- butte ship WILLIAM LOSHING. TON, A sod copper 400 tons, ROBERT ATKINE, Commander: tying the London a Docks.
Ran encellent Devitt soce modatien for For freight or apply to Moore, 19, Cabin Passengers the and Light Freight only. For SYDNEY direct, remarkably ship and copper fastened, barden 450 tone pegister. MALCOLM M'DONALD. Commander: loading in the 8L Katharine freight of pamaze carly applicatica to be made to Marion and 8, Limostreet-equere. NOTICE SYDNEY to direct, SHIPPERS will leave and the London PASSENGERS.
Dock in a few and has room for tons of roods only, the British bolt barque SULTAN, A 129 tone per register, coppered and copper fartened, JOHN POOLE, Commander. Apply Marshall to R. Doulas and Co. 4. Chareb-row, Fenchurch-street: or to and Bridge, 15, Penchurch-screet.
NOR LAUNCESTON direct, regular trader, has the principal -part of her carzo eneused, and will have great despatch, fart Bricish built barque BENGAL, A 1, 814 tons per register, uppered and copper fastened, DAVID TURPIE, Comlying la the Londen Dock. This vessel has good accommodeton for a limited number of For terms of freight er par apply to Marshall and 15. TOR LAUNCESTON direct, regular trader, for anode only, the fine ship ARAB, A 1, 550 tors burden, WILLIAM WESTMORLAND, Commander: lying the London Decks This atta ban a spacious poop, with superior modations, 1 la In every respect suitable conveyance of cabin Por freiebt or pamage apply to Godwin and Lee, 117 within. LAUNCESTON direct, a constant trader, has mom for a few tons af only, the remaricably barque DEMERARA PACKET, barden 300 ton, Commander tying in the London Deeks. Has ration for Poe freight passsse ar ply to Robert rooks, 8t.
bars, de to Devite and Moore, 19, BaiPORT ADELAIDE direct, has only two spacines disengaged, and is under contract with Her Majesty's Colonization Commissioners to sell on the 30th July, the fee ship ROYAL ADMIRAL, 500 THOMAS GRIEVES, Commander (who kna be fore co royal passengers 10 the colony) lying at the jetty in the Locdon Dock. Carries an enced Por freight or passage apply to Lachian, Bocs, and Macleod, 99, Grent A Goodman fields or Lloyd's FOR PORT despatch, having PHILIP the and greater part of SYDNEY, her en will gazed have anu shipping, the splendid new frirate-built ship YORK. A I.burden 200 tons, JAMES LEGG. Commander lying at the Jetty, London Decks. a speck us poon.
with upwards of 7 feet height between decks, aflord. airy and commodious for cabir, intermetiate, and pre-engers, Will call eff Plymouth. Carries an ex per enced For freight or passize apply immediately to J. I. Arnold and Weollett.
8, Clement Lombard-etreet to John Nicol and Co. 9, G-orec-yard, Lombard-stret: or to Hill and Wackerbarth, 1, WELLINGTON. New Zealand, direct, under engagement with to mil on the 10th to CASTLE. :00 or TONG Koo, to sail immedibarque HERALD will 50 cks. FOR CALCUTTA.
under to the FOR BOMBAY direct, with PETER EDWARD the PAGE Mast Todis to P. Green On, TOR MADRAS, will leave Pertamouth on the 10th ANN, C. R. TARBUTT. Katharine to the CofferCo, 0, Mart to T.
d. N. R. pot the MADRAS sail the from 50th of Aurast, the on TRUE BRITON, I C. C.
CONSITT. Commander: lying in the escellent for or or to John court, Corn FOR MADRAS, to with leave to on call the at let of the Cape of ship JOHN LINK. 200 JOHN BRODIE, H. in the Bast Ir die Dorks. This ship ban and will suror to Capt.
Brodie, Small, and 8, 011 Jewry: Jaba Pirle Cornh I. TOR MADRAS and CALCUTTA, regular to from en the 90th of A nenet, and embark at the well-known ship DUKK of JORN S. EBB, Commander lying in the Indra This superior accom for will For freight or apply to Arbuthnot and S. Great At. Helen 10 Capt.
Webb, at the Coffeehouse, Cornhill: or to John Pirie and Co, Freeman Cornhill. FOR propel CALCUTTA her in calms, direct, the fitted KARL of with steam maicery to 1.000 will reorive surement sonds in the Rest India Dorks retil the 6th of Ane not after that day. Apply to F. Greep and M. Corebill TOR CALCUTTA direct, to follow the Earl Hardwicke, and sail from Gra resend on the 18th and the the foe ebip WINDEOR, FOO SODA F.
Commander trine in the Rast India Dooks. Has one mod cabin vacant Apply to Y. Green and 64, Cornhill Last day 15ch A newt. NOR CALCUTTA, to sail the 15th September, the Use, Srat-clams, Bombay teak-bmilt ship MOUN 800 tons. JOHN MIDDLE, Commander lying the West Docks.
Has for varreou. For freiaht or pamase apply to J. L. to the Commander, at tse or Compton, 1, TOR CALCUTTA direct, to sail op the 20.h of Anguet, the well known teak-built ship exorient 750 tons, DANIEL WARRKN, Commander. Has for and carrics For an freight experienced surgeon.
Will Messes load is Forbes, the West India Docks or apply to Pores, and 9. King John Pirie and S. Fretman Comrbid: or to Jopt and 71. Cornhill. TOR CALCUTTA, calling at Madeira, to sail from Frivol on the 8th of A usust poetirely, the arteed pars a'in ST.
GEORGE. EDWARD Commander, bu. den tors new Tifs ship en perior markable tor cRick 3 parace apply to Mciars. Brier. I to the and TOR CALCUTTA direct, under to Compauy to est frost carry Jewry or to Pirie 3.
FOR Ion. East CALCUTTA direct, to sail under on the 8th engagement Aurnet front to Gravesend. and SCOTI tons burden. JOHN CAMP Corr the Tedia a Lechmand will entry Par to Captain the bease. Messer.
Lyall, Brothers. Hi 102 or to Jetn Co. Freeman scout. Cornhilt. CEYLON direct, has a great part ut her carco he brand.
n- will sail the fire ship IRIS, A 300 WM. MACK WOOD, omander in the West India Docks Thie stip has root far passeneers. For apply to W'm. 34. Con hill; and for cr passace apply to L.
W. :3. Corn hilt. CEYLON direct, is daily expected to arrive, and will fellow the Iris with the utmost possible despatch, the fine fast sailira slip MORNING STAR, 300 tone burden, WM. LINTON.
Commander. This ship has good acrocomodationa for see For paMaze apply to Wm. Tisdall. 34. Cornhill: and for freight or apply 14 L.
W. Winklay. 91. Cornbill. TOR RIO DE JANEIRO, for passengers only, to sail in a few days, the fine fast vailing British built barque RATERPRIZE.
A 1, and coppered, 3'0 tons per register, Captain WILLIAN HALL MOXEY. Has excellent accommodations. App to the Captain, on beard; or to Green, Meares, and Richarda, 16, bard street. TOR VALPARAISO and LIMA direct, under en ta Government, has all ber dead weight on board and room for measurements roods only, to the 15th of July, the EUROPA, burden per register, 930 tons, coppered, ROBERT VOLUN Commander tying in the London Docks. This vessel has good accomfor passengers.
For freiabt or passage apply to the en at Lleyd'a; or to and I. Freeman's Cornhill. TOR VALPARAISO, Arica, Islay, and Lima, with despatch, having greet part of her carso already the fine barque PEARL, Al, JOHN Commander, 181 tone per regio en loads in the London Docks. vessel is well known Cape Horn, accommo. For freight or to Willcoz and 51, BL.
Mary-Axe. No geode board without TOR ALGOA BAY direct. will be despatched immediately, the remarkably fine, fast-sallicg, British Governmentsebooner HARRIET NASH, 110 burden, coppered and fastened, RICHARD MARGANT, Commander. This Ane was bailt by Mer Majesty's Government, and de a most deoppertunity for shippers, very soperior sailine qualiHas very superior socommodation for passengers. Loading in the London Docks for freiaht or pamaze apply to the Commander, board: or to Hill and Wackerharth, 1, Leadenhall-street.
HOBART TOWN direct, has two cabins osly disengared, and will mil on the 95th of July, a regular the well- mown ship DERWENT, A 1, toGa reINNES M'PHERSON, Commander: tying to the Londos This ship has poop and superior secommedation for cabin aDd will carry an esperienced surgeon. For fright or apply to the Commander on board, between the boars of 11 and 1: or 10 De ritt and Moore. 19. Billiter-street. FOR HOBART TOWN direct.
a regular trader, bae cabin still vacant, the Ana. new, fast ship CALCUTTA, A burden FREDERICK BU. MEND CHALMERS, (late of the A aries.) Commander; lying in the Lecdon Docks. This ship has a poop, with fint-rate accommodations for passenger. For freight or pamage apply to the Commander, on board; to Thomas Richardson, 72, or to Devitt and 19, TOR HOBART TOWN direct, a regular trader, under el with Her Majesty's Government, for measurementzooda, the fast MOND, 41, coppered and copper fastened, barden 500 tors, HUGH M'KAY.
Commander: lying in the London Docks. Has poop with first- rate add having been tafit expressly for the trade, has been fitted with every resed for the comfort of Por freight or pamaze apply to the Commander, board or to Godwin aud Lee, 117, withlo FOR measurement SYDNEY roods only, direct, and will a mall the constant first weck trader, in August, for the well-krawn barque HONDURAS, A 1, bcrien 400 tone. JAMES WELLER, Commander lying in ske London Bocks. This ship has most elegant and commodious accommodation for pus enzers and curries end experienced surgeon. Pot freight or passage apply to Devitt and Moore.
19. Bihiter-street TOK SYDNEY direct, NELSON, the $80 fine first class Southbarque tone barder, NEVILE REIN BAYERS. Commander lying fast at the New Jetty, London Decks. vessel is remarkable for her milina, and has very superior ocs for passengers. For freight or passage apply to Capt.
Payers, no beard to Mr. Philip Flower, C2, Bread-street, Cheapen to Jots Cramon4, Lime-street. NOR SYDNEY direct. a regular trader, has the the fine principal part of her eurao en gazed, and will have rest despatch. first-clam Brit'ah-hailt barque AMELIA, 130 coppered and fastened, EDWARD HENBY.
Commander lying in the Loston Docks. The vessel has rood for For terms of or passage apply to Meers. Etainbank. Son, and Cobb. Philpo'-lace or to Maratall and dr dec, 15, Penchurch-stross.
FOR SYDNEY direct, a regular trader, has crest the part of ber known. cargo fart engaged, and will pret with great burdespatch, well malting. ship ORIENT. den 475 tors, WILLIAM TAYLOR, der lying in the Lone Con Docks. This stip bas a poop with accommodations for cabin.
intermediate, and steerase For freight passage to Orilby and Moore, 3, or to Deritt and 19 TOR SYDNEY direct, will meet with quick despatch, haring room for men urement goods only. the tine fast Ina fret cis Southamptec-built barque NELSON, 350 tons burden, NEVILE REID BAYERS, Commander lying at the New Jetty. For freight e7 to the Captain, or to Mr. London Docks. Has very superine accommodations for Phillp W.
-Ci, Bread -street, Cheapside: or to John Crammond, 46, Lime-street. FOR SYDNEY direct, for messurement 19 goods only, the fine fast- new ship ARUN, A 1. years. 450 tons. coppered fastered, JAm Es KILLICK, lying in the 8t.
Katharine This ship has most superior acorumodetiers for and will on have board great despatch. For freight or Hrothers, apply to the Commander, to 16, or to Pilby and Major, 151, chart street NOR SYDNEY. New South Wales, direct, will follow the Ganecs and meet with Immediate despatch, has room moods only, the rew and remarkably Parcen :00 tons re- Britab-buth coppered sebooner GRORGIANA, THOMAS JONKF, Commander. Has rond modation and loads in the ML Katharice Decks. For freight or re immediate application to be made 10 and 5, FOR SYDNEY direct, having the principal porsion carro enguzed will meet with andes! despatch, the fast sailing.
Dew sup MARY BANKATYNE, A 1, 586 tons coppered and copper fastened. BAMUEL PICKEN, splendid Comlying the St. Dock. This ship ban a poop, and elegazt scrommodatioca for cabin, intermediate, and steerage terms of freiaht or apply to the Commander, on as Jerusalem or to Phillippe and Tiplady, Georse- Lombard-street. newly coppered bris SOPRIA PATE, A 1, burden 940 tORE, FOR SYDNEY direct, the remarkably fastGEORGE HARRISON, Commander; lying in the Hermitage Pasin, Louden Docks.
La worthy the trapection el passengers proceeding 10 The fittines up of this besutifal vessel are very superior, and It is introded abe shall take but a limited number of She will be found a most desirable for one or two families who prefer the and privacy of their own party to a large and company. For apply to Pilby and Major, 137, Fenchurch- street. FOR board, and SYDNEY will be direct, despatched has immediately two-thirds having of room her for cargo icht ronde only. and an engagement will he given as to the day of tLe remarkably fire fast anise barque DAUNTLESS. A I.
429 per rea'ster, coppered and copper JOUN HORNSKY SHEPHERD. Commander loadit the Jetty. London Docks, Her for ratio, Intermediate, not For med to ad Wack 1. Lind. ur to dolt.
Nucci acd 9, Times. LONDON, MONDAY, JULY 20, 1840. X. is thanked, and B.D. will be glad to bear farther.
Ha 19th who festast, LEFT his 1 HOME on Sunday to morn- RB. TURN, or communicate where media with his All shall be but he no longer delay. moles be to destroy the happiness of his famiry for ever, His la still kept open for him. 17 HEREAS JOSEPH KING, youth about and fair complexion, an apprentice to Bor. of Sinith street, 17 years of age, aed soot 5 feet 1 Inches high, with Meht Westminster, carver and has LEPT his MENT without leave.
Notice bereh riven that any person found harbouring or secreting the mid Joseph King will be proceeded against areerdina to law. DIVE POUNDS LOST, on Friday evesing, July 17, 19 cicet. EN NOTE. Whoever will bras the move to Mr. Low 144, ord-atreet, stall the above REWARD.
The sumber of the note is known and stopped at the Bank of Knelsad and other principal backs NO WEST INDIA AGENTS. Captains. and others, can rive INFORMATION of Mr. JAMES I RUTHERPORD. planter and storekeeper, who resiled many previous to 1815, in Demerara.
Whoever can dive satisfactory be liberally rewarded by applying to T. Thwartes, Great Ruse listreet, Broomsbury. THE SOUTHEND EPISCOPAL CHAPEL.A FANCY FAIR will be held the Pier, at Southed. on Wednesday, Thurrday, and Friday, the 99th. 30th, and Slat Instant, to aid of the fur de for completing 'be abave chapel.
ROYAL -Notice is ACADEMY, cereby riven that the EXHIBITION of ROYAL ACADEMY will CLOSE on Saturday nest, the 95th st 7 o'clock precisels. Admission every day from o'cleck till la. Catalogue, 1s. HENRY HOWARD, Kah-bisors are requested to send for their works on Wednesday, the 29th, or Thursay. the 30th Inst.
ILL CLOSE on Saturday next, July 25, the GALLERY of the NEW H-CIETY of PAINTERS In WATER COLOURS, 53. Pall-mall west, adjoining the Brithh totion. Now open frous 9 e'clock till dusk. Admiesion. 1s.
Catalogue, 61. JAMES PARKY, Sec. INSTITUTION, Pall- mail- The GALLERY, with a selection of pictures by ancient masters the Italian, Spar Piemish, Prench, Datch, and English a bool, including ore room of the works late William Hilton, Lee er of the Royal Academy, is open DAILY froin 10 in the morning till 6 in the evening. Admission, Ostaiogue 1s. WILLIAM BARNARD, Keep RATTLES of the BRITISH Private VIEW of the PLANS of the BATTLES and BIEGES of the ARMY from 1808 to 1814.
Admission by tickets only. James Wrid, reorapher to she Qacen, Charine-crom cast. Loadon. THE MONSTER OXFORD. Madame TUSSAUD and SONS announce that they have added a full-length MODEL of OXFORD (taken from life) to their exhibition, representing him its the set of attempting the Hie of Her Majesty Queen Victoric.
-Bazaar, Baker-street, Portman-equare. Admittsoce Is. Open from 11 in the morning till 10 at pigbt. THE beautiful ENGLISH POINTER TAC, raffled in Pars for the sum of £900, is now in Loncon. Gentle.
men desir.us to sec the most hoe utiful of his breed that ever existed can see him daily from 10 to 5 o'clock. Admittance: erstreet, Leicester square. The wilt be given to the interpreter, who will give all desirate upon this marvellous etaion. SURREY ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. Fifth: Week and Continued Erillion: Sacocas of Beet ore with: ire Novel FI PROMENADES vile! Pard.
The vast al 9.541 by Daze n. of Reese and ture of ite site or Lune Light. Monday. ard EVENING 2 ubertlo: THAMES OPEN to the public every 91- mornine the Surrey de ofthe and lite with LOw advanced with. r.
45 tout 3 the wharf wad at ing. By CHARLIER. to the Cr pary. ibrool- pas. Inly.
LACKWALL RAILWAY and DE Acd public are re termed that error bar with the Directors of the EMBARK and DISEMBARK her at Backwall. thereby securing to sets the convenience of landing and einbarkire without the aid of boate. (whio. by many med an objection bie, bes doe the ad. vantage of reaching the city or Black wall by the railway in leas than 10 minute.
The Plenty sails from cit Ironmate-stairs, Lo don. every morning. ard from Havre every We needay. Further enlars may be obtatned on application at the terminus of the railway. Minories and B'ackwall; steam Micas, In.
Strand, and Buck. James Hartley and Mir. Under. wood Haymarket: Chaplin' universal office. Spread Eagle, Re.
seat's circus: or to Batter and Edwards, brokere. 16. Lower Tham-est. NTWERP, Brussels, end the -The Antwerp Company 'e powerfui and spendid steam ship ANTWERP. THOMAS JACASON.
Commander, (so justly colabrated for her onsqualled accommodations for add spacious private cabina,) starts from the Tower every Funday at noon precisely. Partics roing to the Rhine will find the way by Antwerp much more surreabie and ex petitions than by Rotterdam, the sea being 30 miles shorter, and there being by means of the railroad saving of time effected in reaching Coleene of upwarde of 40 hours. Trains start from Antwerp immediately after the arrival of this pocket. For freight apply to the London arecta, Lightly and Bimon: asd for passare at the offices, 123. Fenchurch-street, 67, Lower Thames street, and 44.
Rarent-street, Piccadilly, where every information may be obtained. Prange by the on the Rhine to place between Colorse and Basie may be secured at the office of this Company at Antwerp. TEAM to DUNDEE twice a -The London, Dundee.and Perth. The bellers and machinery of these ships are inspected by con petent from Hore's Steam 1 The PERTH. Capt.
SPINK. Weds 3 afternoon. The LONDON, Capt. 1 EWIN Saturday, The DUNDEE, Capt. KIDD, Wednesday, 19 on board without the risk and of Gonde berths and information Hore's Dundee an Steam-of 18, Atraod 14, for st the 72, Wappine.
ELIZ. HORK. every Tuesday and Saturday, Brunswick- wharf, Black wall. can wale board. -The powerfal and new steam ships LEITH, MONARCH, and CLARENCE, bavina accommodations several private state cabins for families, and sarivalled and superior speed are well known, leave wick -wharf, Blackwan, for Edinburgh, follow The MONARCH.
on Tunday richt, July 91. CLARENCE. on Saturday night, July 25. The LEITH, on I neaday niebt, July $6. Apply at the General Steam Naviration Company's offers.
17, 85, and 69, Lombard street. Por freiebt apply at 35, or at 1 wharl Omnibases start from 37. Regent-circus, to at 8, a quarter- past 8, a34 half- wharf. past 8, calling at 35, Leadenhal)-street, take passer gers down to the STEAM to and PLYMOUTH, goods for Devonpert, Liverpool -The Falmouth, British Dublin, taking and Trish Steam Packet Company's vessel the DE Captain MILLS, will mil on Wednesday morting, the 12d of July, at 8 o'clock. can embark at 8t.
Katharine's or Alderman stairs, below the Tower. John -street, Crotchedfriars 44, Regent-street, Piccadilly Dublin Steam-wharl, Lrongate. Small parcels la. cd. each to Dublin.
The SHANNON on Saturday morning next at 8 o'clock. N.B. Goods for Belfast and Londonderry are forwarder every Saturday morning. JAMES HARTERY and Co. HER SHIPS between LIVERPOOL NEW MAIL DUBLIN- STEAM MERLIN.
860 tons, home power, R.N., Care. URGENT, 711 tons, 984-horse power, Mr. MERSON, Commander 889 tone, pewer, Lieat, PHILIPP8, R.N., Com MEDINA, 880 I power, R.N. CommanderProceed tor KINGSTOWN, with the London Royal Mall, every at 7 precisely. Pameneers embarked from Geese's Pier Head, free af all charges, either by a small steamer or barge, (whenever the tide will not allew the packet to come alongside.) which will be ready for that purpose at 6 clock, but carriages and berses not shipped the previous evening should be sent down by half past 5, if possible.
The fares, which include fee and all other charges, are as folios Cabis pameager, £1 children of ditto. under ten years of age. 10s. servants, four wheeled carriage, two ditto ditto, £1 El 5s. 91, 6d.
THOS. BEVIS, Commander, R.N., Conduetine Packet Service. Dublin Mall Packet-office, 5, India- balidings, Water-street. splendid and powerful steam ship ALBION leaves London-bridge wharf for IPSWICH every Wednesday and Baturday moping, precisely, returning every Monday and Thursday. -Offices.
17. Regent and Lombard-st. from steam London- ships bridge- PANE an 1 duch*eSS vourite. splendid of KENT, from London daily, Sundays Incinded, at 9 in the mornin returning from Ramirate daily at the hour. STEAM to MARGATE and HERNE BAY direct, dally, at 11 o'clock, precisely.
except from Paturda Landon ye, then at 11, by and the on cindera CANTERBURY RRO ROTHR. direct and to the Canterbury, Dover, Dosl, all casters parts of Ken', means of last conches from 118, Herne Bay, dally as shore, on the of the packets. Offices, Londen bridge wharf. STEAM direct to MARGATE, direct to Deal, MARGATE and dally, at 10 o'clock, mme hour. by the fast and splendid packets the ROYAL WILLIAM OF ROYAL GRORGE.
DEAL and DOVER diret, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdars, 1 9 o'clock, by the fast and favourite packet the ROYAL ADELAIDE, completing the to Dover on 'an averse in eisht hours. Por season tickets and particalam stply on board A. Corar, New-street, the office, bill: and at the office on the wharf. RAVESEND, from Nicholson's Wharf, fare each way: Sheerness, fare 34, excursion to Sheerness and back, fare children pier dues tretoded: every morning at 9 o'clock, Priday only excepted.) by the fast and beautiful every evening (Friday only excepted) at half- past 6, and from Sheerream-packet VESTA, returning from Rosterville-pier, Gra vrsend, ness at half past The cabina of the Vesta are larse, and her accommodations superior in every respect. She is fitted with Mr.
Howards patent condensers, by which the security and dursbility of the are greatly promoted. BOAT ballt, abont WANTED, 18 feet lens. either with a reu's, Funny ears, or rudder, light acd Skiff, other length, breadth, and fall with lowest price, to D. Sportpear. If with rails it be preferred.
stating office, 96.. Holles street ACHT, about 26 tons, one of the most pewerful, tast-sailing, safe boste ever seat to sea, built four repair. years She will be BOLD for ore third ber cost price. Or the advertiser would be regardless of expense, and bae just undergone thorouch happy to meet with one or two gentlemen to Tavern, join him, Greenwich, or exehange where for the smaller. Apply to Mr.
Page, bost is. NOR PUBLIC SALE, at Lloyd's Room, 80, Bishopegate-street within, en Wednesday, of the 19th Aurast, at half-past 2 o'clock. (unless by Private Contract.) larse and powerful REAM VESSEL. lying in the Rast Indis Dock, copper fastened and built at Greenock, Steele and engines by Mr. D.
Napier of Glasgow. This has been lately and rearly rebult by the celebrated boat builders Meats. Pletcher and Fernell, 1 expense. from stem to poet 156 feet 9 inches, breadth nt shaft 96 feet 5 inches, depth 16 feet inches, tonnage 74-91 burden 590; engines 180 horse power ballers ef copper, welshing from 30 to 40 tons. Her and valuable store are all of the best description and few of them have ever H.
been used. and For inventories Rotheran4 further particu are apply to Joseph Ritchie hitbe or to Ritterden and Carr, sworD brokers and survejors of ship pine. 134. within. MIGRANTS, Export Merchants, CAR be promptly SUPPLIED with ZINC in sheets of the best quality for roofies, a de cottaze slates, rain water eaves rut erine.
wicdow sash trances. perf fer mest dairy with 07, scar PRICE 5d. WANTED, la a a larze respectable family, miles YOUNG from tow. MAN He from mos wall st and naderstand Apply, I the bears of 10 sod 1. at 4, New WANTED, to HOUSE, HIRE, with conch for two years, good Address Hieb-street, Mary let WANTED, retail be WAREHOUSEMAN.
iness would be preferred. person pig by A. at Mr. Bay 1 WANTED, PERSON, immediately, who a rood for some and weeks, would 8. Mr.
to Harmon berself newspaper erally affine. reful. App Charlotte 7 by letter, pest Fitsror-eq. be willing WANTED. than 15 small or more FARM, than 80 or seres.
In Cottage, a village with will he preferred. Reat muss be moderate. Addrem, port paid, to W. N. Orchard-street, Portman- London.
for an invalid lady, an ASYLUM, abort distance from London, where two or three are Terms moderate. Address, post paid, to G. st Gooch's, Kick ANTED. by a respectable young MAn. SITUATION CLERK.
Has heen recasterped te the wine U' references will be riven. Address to at Mr. Judd's, tallor, Bond-street. SITUATION as UNDER BUT. LER.
or Pootman, ins noblemsa's family by a young men 19. who can have a rood character from the place he has jast left. Drrect to A. Mr. ANTED, SET of APARTMENTS, unfur.
nished, to cot of shree or four sittina room, and kitchen, at the west end. Address, with terms and particular, prepaid, A.I., Mr. Georze Dupree', 94, eity. FRENCH PRO. TEACHER In a establishmest in the west of Easiand.
Addrem, pre- paid, to Y.Z., Porter and Custard's Abrary, Yeoril, Somerset WANTED, with a upon 1: security and et'a more trust than fand doable the amount to be borrowed. Apply by letter, past paid, terms, to C. at Meurs, WI stationers, Coleman-street. ANTED, to RENT, within 35 miles of London, either in Surrey, Kent, Fumez, or Hertfordahire, a MOUSE, united for a large A poet paid, to Mr. Virtue, 47.
Newman-street. Ox'ord-street. 7 ANTED, a PARTNER, who can command capital of £95.000. The basisess la carried on in the county of La nester, and the party may take an active part or otherwise. Apply to J.
La wres ce. 84, King elty. SERVANT of ALL- WORK in private family. where anther servant is kept. She most be good plain and have excellent charseter from her last place.
Inquire of Mr. baker. 3. Cobnra place, Rayan ANTED. immediately, respectable young women as of aze.
She must be active and cheerful hob a sold need woman. and thor capabe of discharging the duties of the nursery For cards of address apply Mr. baker, Clayt n-pave, 7 ANTED, a de ech-d COTTAGE, within of city, canch-house atable, and DE. a ferr 1: be in prepaid, to and Fu for 311 Bolted of France, TANTED. a re YOUTH rue ANTED.
tely. to RENT. 80 PRIVATE HOUSE, Rent ca if respectable situat-. grating full particular to runt, situation. to IL BOARD and LODGING.
113111 dately, lady and her within a of than. As good table red, the terms rust rot both. Kent would he preferr a ra ad. A to A. Crew' Heart.
Tam's Condolt-treet 7 ANTED. En AGENT. to receive orders toran article reneral demand. He res: retaile crust. enice to from, the er unit floor, which mat belong mely to the Dirty a star.
From Charing 1 delphi would be preferred. pad, L. 11 A. DearA street. Salat -gnare.
7 ANTED. within four miles of the citv. a de. tached HOUSE, containing not less li rows, with eat offices. and a large moden.
If with a amall padderk adjoining it be preferred. It must be in wood repair, and the fixtures inc.u ded in the rent. Letters, stating narticulars as to rent, taxes, de. to ba to A.R care of Mr. Farthing.
49. WANTED, to 8 4:00. In a PARTNER, light Iclean who brsiness. can the advance creSts which are from 60 to 70 per and no risk. He may either take an active part or not.
the objact o' the proprietor being to extend his bust. new. Por purticulars apply by letter, post paid, to X.Z.,5, Brydge-street, Covent-gardea. by a respectable married person, the CHARGE of a airi, who would be carefully instructed tr. the elementary branches of education en moderate terms, having one Bittle girl sine years old.
Tne situation is pleasant and in the Twickenham-road, Middleses. Sat lefactory reference can be riven. Address to A.R.. Mr. Norbury's, port office, Brentford Middleter.
to PURCHASE, a COTTAGE REBIDENCE, of moderate size, with several seres land, about four or five miles from Losdon. A good supply of water indisApply by letter. pre-pald, stating full particulars, price, to Mr. Kennedy, estate and house ageecy office, 1, Bayham terrace, den-town. WANTED, stronaly by a very recommended, respectable SITUATION young AS widow, HOUSE.
KEEPER tO lady or gentleman, or as Lady's maid Understands dressmaking, hairdressirg, and Retting up fine linen. Would have no objection to make herself useful in a comfortable situation, where a Adential person la wanted. Addreas, post paid, to W. at Mr. Mill.
wood's, 85, Dorset-street, Baker-street. to BORROW the SUM of 250, upon security of a part bare in two freehold houses, let af £80 per encum each, to be real zed on the death of a relative aged 50. for which good interest will be alle wed. as is is contemplated the loan wil! be caly required for a year or two. Particalars, stating terms, to be forwarded, poet paid, to A.B..
Mr. Hoppe'r, stationer, 79, Strand. Satis factory reference given and required. WANTED, as a girl aboat 18 NURSERYMAID or 20. She must and he to able assist to wok in at horneedle, dress peat but pisin, and a twelvemonth's character will be required.
Wares for the fint year 7 ruiness, with sugar and tea after the parlour. Apply between 5 and 6 this afternoon, 2 and 10 To-morrow mornice, to A at Meters. Todd and Proctor's, 8t. Paul's churchyard. WANTED: mat, who PERMANENT has been brought up to EMPLOYMENT the drug trade and has 'stely relingnished a situation in which he tad lived fact gears, la a highly respectable London wholesale drug house.
He in not over tenacious of the Mae, but would enzare in any respectable situation requiring activity and knowledge of business. Address, pre paid, to G. P. rare of Mr. Strud, bookseller.
168. WANTED, preparatory immediately school, a young lady, UNDER aceratomed to TEACHER tuition. She must he goad Bne'i-h scholar. and capable el Instructing in wri. ting and arithmetic.
A knowledge of French would be dest-able. As she will receive all the mirantazes of a comfortable home and reciety no alary will he elven for the fret 11 months. Apply by letter only, to A.B Lamb's Cooduit-street. WANTED, part ot his time. SITUATION, Has been upwards CLERK, 25 for years the encared In several respectable concerns, principally in the 'rontoundry and manufactory line.
Can be depeuded upon for the strictest toality and moral habits. A moderste miary only requ red. Address to L. Mr. Matthews's Coteehouse, Gray's-inn-lane, opposite Verulambalidines.
ANTED, by the Australasian, Colonial, and General Life A murance and Annuity Company a steady active young man who has had some experience in lite to set 84 ACTUARY or SECRETARY at one of the office. of the Company, at Sydney, New South Wales Unexceptionable ability and character will required. Apply by letter, pre-pa to the Secretary the Company. street, cornerof Corahill. ANTED, MISTRESS for a village national school, who understands the system, is a member of the Church of England, to able to teach reading, writing, and needlewark, possesses some krowledze of metic and reography, and cau effer satisfactory references so to character and ability, Salary £30 per sonam.
tea to be obtained in the village. Address to the Rev. A.M., office. Chippenham, Wilts or Partial Board and Lodging, gentleman his wife, in within six and miles of St. Paul's.
A private room with garden. an open respectable neishbourhood. indispensable. If the situation is cot quite convenient to the eity publie conveyances or stable will be required, the object of the advertiser being to sleep eat of town at pleasure. references given and required if necessary.
Address by letter oaly 10 P. 983. High Holborn. in a select school, a LADY, ex perienced in tuition, well qualified to impart solid instruction. and to form the character upon strictiy religious price pies.
To an tionate superintende nee of those committed to her care must be much- decision and good jadatment. A kuowiedze of the French len. with the capability of conversina in it is indispensable. None seed apply but a member of the Establisbed Church. Letters to be addresses, pre- to A.
care of W. Rebiasca, stationer, 114, Penchurchstreet. Leaden. WANTS a ride SITUATION; respectable as young GROOM, man, or szed Coach- :0, of light weight Can have a roed character from the place he has just left. Direct to J.
care of Mr. R. 15. WASHING laundress with WANTED, every a family's with a WASHine around. Can be well recommended whom she has for 19 years.
Direct, pest paid, to M. Mrs. Stewar's, grocer, C'aionroad, Clapham. WASHING has a practical WANTED, knowledre by an in the getting economical up of laun- linen, clear starching apd G. od drying ground, in an airy situation.
Biahly respectable reference can be given. Terms moderate. Addras to A.M., Hanover plane. K-sent's-park. URSE and HOUSEMAID WANTED.
The carve most be a rood needlewoman, and accuatoced the use of as infant: the how maid mnst be able to wait as table, and set up a littie fine linen. Apply to Mr. Mason, baker, TerragHOUSEKEEPER, 8 highly respectable female, of middle are, leaving a responsible where, with servant, she has Lad the entire of a establisk ment upwarde of three years. The advertiser would be happy to modertake similar charre to lady, siogle an active part if required. Can offer bish testimonials 24 to character Hu thorough knowiedse of cooking.
No objection to take and abilities. Addrem, paid, to L. Grave Library, Mare street Hackney. A LADY, will between expire, 30 and wishes to 40, obtain a whose SITE present a COMPANION to a lady. She has for some years on the conticent sod would have no ebiection travel with an in valid.
Or bavina had experience in would not ject to tase meat of a pirowers family. whose daughters she com in Keglish, music, German, and Italian. Most satisfaciory respectability and capability. Address, post paid, to M. 6, Person of highly respectable family is desirous of meetina wick a SITUATION HOUSEKEEPER COMPANION tO A LADY.
to superintend to establishment af widower or a single senti charee of the in a to make a hour. eniy Cal 10 fears. dress :0 F. at Disco, Ed liciborn. NO WANTED, in a family RAY SALE, capital HAR in the eity thorob HOUSEMAID.
No followers NESS MARE, el and fall 15 bands an ebaract.r from bee last situation in a half bich, years aid, quiet to ride and drive, to a rood Apply at Mr. street, city. The property of to bi sold cheap. To be the Horse Shoe Ins. Borouah.
NO respectable connezions and well young with the person, basic of FOR SALE, a bandsome BAY GELDING, for a BITCATION FOREWOMAN in an a Chaise Barcess, la old, 14 miles from London. Apply by letter, paid, to M. Mr. Bol- four Wack and warranted The son's, Harre-road. chaise is w.th and in to be for 40, raise Lpquire at the Car SHOE a respectable FE- t'e.
Old MALE, who and is equal where to take th ald treated of one a of swa'l she caecero BRED PONY (under the the above she we as a tax) None Deed apply bus those accua to the trade. Address to G. N. and HARNESS. This pocy is suitable sound, for chit 164, from vice of say and drea; colcaz dark chestrat.
sad tried ca application to Mr. FEMME de CHAMBRE, or to wait on young G.bbs, tograsaur, 17. 001 North Keppel Rowel-square. A bar zain ladies, sad to them her languaze, a respectable that deserves so who bas been brought up in France, Can Lave perfectly too years' understand. character ba FOR SALE, just off journey from the north, and drew malice.
a from the ty she is goin to leave. No oblectinn to own or country. de TWO CHARIUT GELDINGS, 16 bigh, and 8 rears to travel abread. Andreas, port paid, Mr. Ker'4, 8, Grea: old, sound tree from vies.
They have been driven in single and Cumberland-street, doobie barnes. are only parted with the owner he roine abroad. The borne clothing and harDeN, prod an new, are also for Ar ply Highly respectable middle-aged PERSON, who at the wren stables, 46. Bromptre-ree. be referred Brompton, any marina coachman before A has been accustomed to the meat of a domestic family and show o'clock, the the owner may to.
the the care of children, in anions tor a similar SITUATION. Wages will not be so much consideration com fortab'e live! Can three be ANDSOME COB. and Harness, No objection mer ded to by sown the or lady coantry. hom Address to M. at Mr.
barz in, togetber aparately, late the property of a lady dewith sbe has nos? years oriman. 43, Geor Partmen-quare. No' offirekeeper need apply. Tte phaeton is light and butt to order safety pease, a few patent lesther wines, long A is WIDOW desirous of LADY a of SITTATION to respectability, macare a 38 widower's vears family, of baits, open The cob has and been patent constantly azios; extra. ridden Trial and to driven allowed.
carry by a Apply lady, four and beina wittina to take care of children, and, if youne. to instract them warranted perfectly sound in every respect. the first radioents The advertiser, is neph's commision stables, Foley- place. of edneation. who French fluently, and can rive most satisfactory references motel 10 be SOLD, a PAIR of beautiful BAY CAR character.
Address, post to Mr. Todd's, grocer, Nelson street. Greenwich, oppor'te to the chures. RIAGE HORSES, full tails and nearly fail bipod, half brott ers, fire and sis year old, hands three inches hick bet. ect asd COMPANION has or GOVERNESS.
a A family, person. wishes for 30 an oce step of well which tsaether. is a fast brilliant bold hunter, setios, in tine almirably condition, well and in fit single for any barness, joneENGAGEMENT DOMESTIC COMPANION 10 indy. or ney. Boid for co fault.
Warranted sound, acd a trial Apulty Norsery Governess: is competent to instruct children in the die stables, Henri: of -Enelish education, ard wiling to take charze of their wardrobe. Brunswick street, Cloudesley reference square, will lalington. be siren. Addrem A. 25, Stone field- ORSES.
For SALE, the property ot a gentleman deceased two valuable COB GELDINGS, of his awn breed. YOUNG PERSON ef respectability wishes to A Mott ed Gray. by Gray Orville, very tacacerate de and GOVERNESS, 15 hands hieb. 2. A Bay, 14 hande three inches high, e4 to obtain SITUATION as NOR-ERY Nursery maid.
No jection to no abroad. Address to X. Y. Z. at carry valuable, 30 stone rate and well; to for a beary him or trip.
Each in inMr. Hollinasworth's. 144. Camden- to en: and it la impossible tion, 5: for a journey of 1,000 miles immediately. Warranted Yeung LADY, 26 years of age, long accustomed sued, and a tea days' ulai granted.
stabica, 100. High to trition and the of destrets of obtainina Bolbors. FITUATION A NURSERY GOVERNESS. 600 is fully are ent PAIR of handsome BAY CARRIAGE HORSES, to impart a Address solid English education, also the rudiments of Preach and aed Landsu, and Marcess for SALE. The bores are to M.
16, terrace. Hammersmith. a rich Bay. both sis years old. have course sad temper, and bare NO TEACHERS- WANTED, in a very respect- been constactly driven together they are weil bred and able day school, LADY fully cualified ta teach Kealich, dese.
Carriage is new, lately green, built to order, and elliptic in the most costly springs, patent axles, ine, musie with thorough base, sed all kinds of needle work. ferms manner. globular The lamps, Harness painted is and lined and good. Now on view, gear, five ecineas. Adtress, post paid, statics and trials at Mr.
Dison's repository, Barbican, where imthe first half- nearly new, very tons to R.H.. Mr. Clario's, stationer, Hich-treet, birechanet. mer.se critic will be made to effect an immediate sale. Young PARISIAN LADY, of several years' LDRIDGE'S REPOSITORY, St.
Martin's-lane. in tuition. in desirous of REENGAGEMENT A FRENCH GOVERNESS in 1 tel schonk She is fully -To be SOLD by AUCTION. by Mr. and en of qualified to teach her London own would language he grammatically.
and the rudiment HORSES. from Wimbush and Mr. Ickinawn, Mesirs July about THIRTY CARRIAGE CABRIOLET M. italian. Clarenton Near I Address, poet He Mr.
J. Richards, J. Stone as Mr. Gapp. peer Horses in tended for the sales on should be sent in A lady, accustomed Monday Horses are also received daily at the repository for young private under the Heuation: tuition cha a and is respectially dir eted to the derivable the al of property an establishment of the part by any person can to the and EMMEDIATE SALE ENDU- 1 das 11.
MOI QUEBEC direct, for only, Irate the Drela preitivele the bat JANE BROWN. JOIN WILLIE. biz most ted the Captain. on board; or. to lubes: and Fere STEAM to NEW YORK -The British American Storm Comps BRITISH QUEEN, horse PRESIDENT.
horse rower, L'eur PAYRER. NEW N. are 10 leave Leadon and Liverpool PRESIDENT. Ortober 1 From BRITISH bee For to Emerson Harro: Tarries Brenton. Red.
Hamburgh: James Brale, ork: Lind Erg Portsmouth ard at the Fenwick-street, Liverron! and 1. square. London. Por freiaht to Junior E4g 4, Fer, court, church ard at the Company'. offices in Liverpool.
These return from New Yo on the lst of every month. letters sent by these vests mast 20 trough Her Majesty's Postat moderate rates. from LIVERPOOL to BUST calling st Halifax to land passen. ers and Her Majesty's mails. -The and North American Royal Mail Steam of 1,300 tons, and 440-borse power eachACADIA, pt ROBERT MILLER.
CALEDONIA, Capt. RICHARD CLELAND. COLOMBIA. BRITANNIA, CapE HENRY WOODRUFF. The ACADIA la appointa! to sail from Liverpool on Toesiry, the 4th of August.
Passengers' baggage must be on board the day previous to asiline. Pumac, provisions and wines- -to Ea Max, 44 guineas ditto to Boston, I steward's fes, one guises. The steam ship UNICORN plies between PICTOU BEd QUEBEC, connexion with the above remela, carrying the mails and passengers Cansda. Por apply to J. and J.
G. Foord, Burns, Glasgow D. and C. London. M'Iver, Water street, Liverpool 1 or B.
$5, Old street, All letters intended to be sent by these must pass through the post office, and none will be received at the as 'offices LINE of PACKETS between LLONDON NEW ships will sail from don punctually as follows Ships and Captains' Names Dates of Balling. WELLINGTON, CHADWICK 97 July 9 NcT. Mar. QUEBEC. P.
July MEDIATOR, C. H. CHAMPLIN 17 And will sail from Portatnouth on the Lat, 10t0, and 20th of the respective mouths. These shipe are all of the first about 600 tons burden, coppered and copper fastened, and commanded by men of the greatest experience. The cabins are splendidly furnished, and fitted up with everything for the comfort and convenience of passcneers; and the steerages very superior, being upwards of seven leet in For terms of frieaht or re apply to the respeetive Commanders, on board, in the 8t.
Katharine Decks; at the North and Sauth American Coffeebouses; to Mesar. Wides and merchants. 19, Coleman-street; or to Phil lippe and Tipiady, Georae-yard, Lombard street; Messrs. Garatt and Gibbon, at Portmouth. All letters must be post paid.
Price of cabin 15 guineas, without wines, spirits, de c. ER MAJESTY'S MAILS by Steara to Vigo, Oporto, Lisbon, Cadis, -One Gibraltar, the Malta, Greece, the Ionian Karpt, and India. of Company's at will start from off Rick wall on Priday s. July 24, 8, and from Falmouth on Monday, July The Peale packets start weekly above, being met by Her Mapacisets at Gibraltar. further particu'ars may be obtained on appliestion to Francis 'Go wran, 3, Barsh-quay.
Dablin: Messrs. W. sod E. C. Came, Palm uta; or at the Peninsula Steam Navigation Company's offices, 51, Mt.
Mary-aze; or to James Hartley, 44, Regentstreet, Piccadilly, London, where small parcels for the above places will be received for shipment. WILLOOX and ANDERSON, Managers. STEAM from MARSEILLES to NAPLES, calling at Genre, Leehorn, and Civita Vecchia. -The fine new Sardinian steerer VIRGILE will immediately commence plying between the above places. This vessel he fitted cut with English engines of the best and most improved construction.
No expense bae been pared to combine elegance with comfort in the pascogers' The Sine Sardirien steam bast DANTE continues to sail between Dos and Leghorn, les vine Genes every Wednesday and Saturday, at and Lesborn every Monday and Thursday, at the same hour. Por further information apply to J. V. and E. Rosselli, 18, Trinity.
square, Tower-hill, London to A. Fernandez and Pontans. 59, rue Griman. Marseilles and to De Luchi, Rubs tine, and Genos. CHEAP the and INTERESTING A steam STEAM veasel of EXCUR- 200 tons and 160-betse power being about to proceed to the Mediterrancan te take up the Malta and Corfu station.
under a British Government contract. an opportunity is presected to a private party enzare the vowel fer an excursion. Oporto, Lisbon, and Cintra, Cadiz, Seville, Gibraitar. Tangier, Malavs, Granada with its splendid scenery and coletrated Alhambra, Naples, Sleily, Malta, might all be thus visited in the course of a three weeks' cruise, and as the vessel must be at Malta by the 5th keptember, it will be necessary to start from early in August. For particulars apply at the and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's office, 51, 8t.
Mary-aze, London. R. M. AR. INDERSON.
P. CARLETON, Directors. THE PENINSULAR and ORIENTAL STEAM COMPANY. -The NEW INDIA MAIL STEAMERS, under contract with Her Majesty' Government- Fessel under tho proved for passer gers, and parcels: The Peninsular and Oriental Nevication Company's new steam ship ORIENTAL, of 1.200 tots and 450 borse power, will start from Routhampton, Beptember 1, for Alexacdria, touching at Gibraltar and Malta only, carrying Her Majesty's mails and despatches, and will arrive at Malta on the 9th, and at Alexandria on the 14th of September. The new line of steim vessels for the India malls will thenc forward continue to Ira re Ragland for Gibraltar, Malta, and Alexandria on the lat of every month.
and Alexancria for Malta, Gibraltar, and England from the to the 25th of every month, making the passage each way, under ordirary circ*mstances, in 14 days. A branch steamer will run twice a mouth between Malts and the lenian Islands with mails, padsensers, goods, and parcels. Each vessel will carry a medical officer appointed approved of by Goverament, and the time occupied in the passage home will be allowed la the quarantine. Passengers for India, who may desire to visit the interor'ine scenery and localities of Spain and Portugal, will have the privilere, tree of additional expense, of proceeding in any of the Compary's weekly Peatnsolar rail steamer, and may tr us visit Vigo, Oporto, Lisboa and Cistra, Cadiz, Seville, Gibraltar, Algeciras, Joining the Lodi nail steamer for Malta and Alexandris af Gibraltar. A Mberral table.
with wices sad every necessary, will be found, and Included in the fare. Pernale attendants for ladies. Private family cabins, and a separate sleeping cable for every passenger under ordicirc*mstar largo and powertal steam ship will shertly he sent out to commence a line of communication between Cakutta, Madras, Corlen, and Buez, in with the line to Alesacdria, particulars of which will be given in a future advertisem*nt. 8wift and commod ous iron steamers are about to be placed en the Nile for the conveyance of pastengers, between and Caire, by which they will be enabled with certainty to reach the outward steamer Bues, and the bomeward steamer at A as 1000 the malls. Full tar travellers to and from India, by this new and improved conveyance are in preparation and will shortly be printed, Mean time further particulars may be known en applicat on Piccadily Messrs.
Grindlay, Christian, and Matthews's 8, BL and 16. at Mr. Warbora's 44. Cornhill, London; at the City of Irablin Steam Packet Company's offices, Dublin and Liverpeol: and at the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Na visation effices, 51, FL. Mary-ase.
from Commerrial Company's fast and splendid steam-shipiTe-morrow, Tuesday, July 91, at 3 morniss. EMERALD. on Friday, July 7 morning. CITY of BOLOGNE, on July 16, at 8 mortise. Offices- Piab-street-hill, and Chaplin's Universal- offion, STEAM to splendid steam ship PHENIX from off Irengate-stairs.
Departure from London, day, July 26. at 9 in the morning. For freight or passee apply to Hatten an 1 Rewards, brokers. 66, Lower Thames-street. ONDON and HAVRE, from off the Tower.The Geceral Strem Naviration Company's splendid and powerfut first steam ship BRITANNIA, of 500 tosa and 160 horse power.
with rivate state rooms ajad a spacious saloon detached treps the cabits, is appointed to rail from Loncon and Havre an under: From London. From Havre. Thursday, July 93 at 8 moraine Saturday. Saturday, July Auk. 95, 4.
at 1 Thursday, July 30. at For freight apply. to Mourn. Redhead ant Ppierr, Trinitr Tomerel ill. To a cure bertts application should oft cel.
37. Resentand (3, Lombard and 9, rue de la P'au, Faria. Dr rall Dr hors bay the Cubs. dare of vary pica, on private HITE LION Lock's Bottom, Kent. Important inter, Carriages, DIXON has the pleasure Pete to SC at the Lion Hotel.
Bottom. sear Ker4, on 11 account of in number of the total the a superb and highly A LADY. age, long POSTING STOCK. comprisina 16 to as de which are a pair of well- brantiful ace entire mana are tru splendid dun Dares, two pair ef med ciegant or to sup: intent the tic markably tine shared tags and browns. The she impart a solid and known fast pony be Prodicy.
with the chaise and tarres in which woo to 07 Da nen-is useful Companion lady bren us d. also the a -lendid team that have been constantly driven at out to trave'. She speaks the Peerch lansuaze! Her proprietor a superb drag. The pair rich coloured inateh etay truction branches, laters, cabriolet horses, the chestnut wheel botse, one of the ru music. Ad post irce, to L.
A 99, most choice and powerful biod hunters in Europe. Als) the teama of Mite that have been works the Hastings Paragon sch from Lock's BotNO SCHOOL ASSISTAN WANTED, in a to chaises, Mara's Court britzsks, bill, light fashionable trenk, and Jessau, a light a chariot, caravan. two .13 schont near tian. 3. MASTER.
Falary £40 pair of very baccame plated and brass mounted cost harness, and sets CLASSICAL post south as Janice Assistant. Address to 8 L. Me Joseph Tac- of four come, lass coach, and single ad brides, come and I. Pinch-lane. Corn! ill.
clothing, patent chat machise, corn bizs, stable utenails, The 8 select bovs' school AN AS- -bove valuable, yeunz, can Fie wih the whole world and SISTANT MASTER I WANTED. Besides the departments posttively some of the finest steppers ever bebed. To the nobility, for symmetry. breeding, and power are in beaut ful writing and arithmetic. be wi'l be required to render zeneral assistance gentry, and others wishing 1G porseas bored ef Sint-rate in other branches of educatior.
The is respectable and the salary quality they are worthy the earliest consideration and attention. (m liberal. Apply personaily to H. L. at Hathawas's Hotel.
Brock- view three cays before the sale, and catalogues had as above also at the square, thie evening 8 to 8 and fr-m 10 to 18 Bell Hater, Bromles. Crown, Cutie, Hastings SCHOOL in a Royal Kentish, Tanbridge Wells Ball, Dartfoed Grayhound, Croydoe: Rave Ian, New Crom; and of the auctioneer, at his liSed to teach cisssics and French. He must be a Rood disciplinarian, respectable hoarding school, near town, a GENTLEMAN Barbican. and have unexceptionable testimonials as to moral conduct. Salary ECOND-HAND CAB PHAETON tor SALE, 250, with board and lodging.
Apply personally to Mr. with German shutters, palent axles, abalta and pole for cierical and schooi agency off v. Southampton-street, strand. a two herver, Tolbe seen at the owner's, 167, Upcer TRENCH French gentleman, Four- wheel PHAETON And HARNESS to be native Paris, member of several learned institations, BOLD, in consequence of the horse having been parted with It sirous of employing his leisure hours, two er three cars in nearly new, carries four and patent asles. To be seen at teaching his own language, in a school or private fami 7.
The Liddard's the Cannon persons. Brewery. Knick abriine. tratimon ale and the most at sfactory references will be given. M.
A. 25. road, end. Handsome STANHOPE, Here, and Harness PRIVATE parents o' TUITION. 1 little BOY, A an short ocly child, distance 19 years from of A to of 30 be the SOLD, whole 50 together guineas at or R.
or separately, borse Mitchell's and the preperty 10 of a Brook see, are desirons of PLACING bins with some clergyman of the Kats- hope, Brook-street, Apply Bond-strent. livery stab.es, 30, blished Church. or other gentleman whe may be essaged in educating in number. and of the first respectability Address, pre- paid, to. Mr.
for time with option to purchase; has imperial, capcase, and his own children, ar whose pupils may be about the same age, and few RITZSKA, nearly new, to be SOLD, or jobbed Coates. 110 Chanorry-lane. springs, patent asles, ca drag chains, any LADIES' very respectable lowest posting senta. known, To be sold by order of the To be sem, and price at 43, French professor, adrantazeeusly known in London, wi-Les to PLACE his DAUGHTER (13 considered years o'd) st in SCHOOL sear HAISE de For SALE the property of where his services might be as equivalent for her board a gentleman may be referred to. a green de POSTE, and instruction.
References of the highest respectability. Addrees with patent azles, sprinas, hind rumble, and boxes, conpost paid, to A. at Mr. bookseller, 16, York street, Covest- piete, in ascellent condition, and te be sold the arden. No.
9 192. gentleman, aged 30, who has been NO light CART, hung on near three years resident tutor in the family of a baronet, from double springs, with dashing iron, apron, and cushions, In rood whom be ran have resident the hiabest resident. testimonials, wishes for another PN. condition, the property of a person who in the. habit of attending GAGEMENT, and continental or con He teaches the clasaics, ma- pawnbrokers' sales.
May be cen 37, Lock-acre. The price themat er, with the zeneral routine of eduraineas. cation. Ad tress, post paid, to D.M., Wilmanton's, post-office. Albanyread.
Camberw DHAETON. CABRIOLET INGSBRIDGE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL, in PHARTON, in very perfect and excellent condition in every and reconnexion with the Exeter Diocesan of ecamelled leather head ban patent azios and elliptic aprinas, is spect, having been tut little used, with driving sea: in freat WANTRD, a MASTER, duly qualified for conductive the above school. built in a superior mancer, and very light to te 80LD a bargain. Salary £60 per aunt with a suitable resider ca for the accommodation May be seer: at 18. Dorset-street.
Manchester of boarders. Applications and testimonials to be sent, free of expense, to the Rev. Ilinton C. Smith and P. A.
Hon. Secretaries, Kings- WHARIOT and LANDAU to be SOLD, or LET bride, on or before the let of Aneut for a term. They are rate carriages, equal to sew, and have and MA MATHEMATICAL TUTOR. every fashionable appendage. and Also an elegant new baruch acd CLASSICAL of experience in tuition, is now and regard Brouzham to chariot, bailt May to be order sea at 49 and finisbed 5, in Great the Arst Mary style, without will devote a portion of nite time to the private EDUCATION of rear one or YOUNG GENTLEMEN.
He teaches classics and matics, use of the globes, an4 the elements and prosuaciation of gentleman wishes to part with several modern languages. Apply (4 by letter, pre-enid. to A.K.V1 at his britzaka. It is for one or two horses, beic a on elliptic Nisb-t and Co. Tre moderate.
has Gertuan at utters, pole and bar. and in the most perfect NO LADIES' SCHOOLS and PRIVATE FA- riot, condition fresh price and 00 lined, ruiness. Also a appendares; rood bard 80 Travelling Apply ChaMILIES. -A clerey van offers his serv ces in giving INSTRUC. at Offord's.
79. Wells street. with price TION in readina. Enalish composition, elocution. acozraphy, arithmetic, Latin, and can if requ red place a pupil in RITZSKA be SOLD, the a re pectible establishment on reciprocal terms.
Or be would give property of a lady, a PHAKION, in the most structien in a quiet respectable for ledgings only. Address, pre- perfeet erder, bung on the in proved elliptic crone aprina, patent axles, paid, to A.M.. care of Mr. Templeman. bookseller.
248, Regents treet. aptaabers to wheels, German shutters, lamps, and with pale and abalta An ASSISTANT for Peadle's pair or liverytatables, single borne. Cleveland-street, Price (5 anis Fitzroy May be seen at Mr. MASTER, of several vears' experience in some of the first sebools in the kinadom. is DISENGAGED.
His course of instrretion com- LANDAU tor SALE, with front prises mathematics (on the Cambridge system), arithmetic, writing, mer- elliptic sprinas, and patent axletrees, painted chants' accounta, recaraphy, mapping, the ase of the globes, olive green, lined drab. The above carriare is in excellent condition. BRITZSKA, Latin. and Engueh grammatically. Testimoniais of the fir-t and well worthy the attention of a gentleman oce of the deracter will be given.
Address, paid, to F.R.d., post-office, Theale, scriptian. To be seen at the builders', Mesars, Waster and Whitebunst's, Reeding. Berks, 313. where are abo a sumber of tardaus, chariots, Mr. DEAN 19 autho- britzakas for male.
or will be let on Jab for a term of gears. Prized to ENGAGE two young men a RESIDENT ASSISTANTS CLARENCE CARRIAGE. FOr SALE, a decided for a boarding school in the country: one for the department, peculiar eircurstances, one of three elegant CARwho must be capable of taking a junior class in Latin; the other chiefly RIAGES, carries 4 inside, built by a most eminent regardless of fer French but not a foreigner. Apply between 11 and 4 at Mr. D.S expense, lined with feared alk tataret, suitable for one Cr offices, 10, Red Linn-equire.
two horses. The above is worthy the attentien of as nobleSOCIETY. Mr. WYAND, being re- man commission or gentleman stables, in Poles- vast of superior carriage. Apply at Jost's SCHOOL London quested School by the Society managers to take of the the same under his sole management, BRITZSKA and BAKOUCH.
AGRNCY DEPARTMENT of the bees to inform his friends and tts supporters that be will apare no pains Britzska is quite new, having been Sailt to order, and will now to carry cut the obj eta Adam-stret, originally Adelphi. by the Society. -Sebool be sold as It is a on: complete carriage, and in adapted he 4. for town or country. Barouch la a remarkably light eleesci carriage, NO SILVERSMITHS, Jewellers, Perfumers, and with front and bind sesta, will eight Also'a sew Persona in has Fancy Stationers A younz man, whe has had be seen street, Oxford- street, tect as elliptic spelras, siderable experience la a large retail establishment in the west of Ene lard, wishes to ENGAGE.
as 30 ASSISTANT in Any of these NO RAILWAY COMPANIES, Coachbuilders, spective branches: the wholesale would be preferred. Apply by letter others -WANTED, ImmediatelY, POUR THIRD-CLASS to A. at Smith's I. PR Ludeate-bill RAILWAY CARRIAGES, of the ordinary (ft 4-8) to carry 60 NO WINE MERCHANTS and other or Croydon more persons Railway, 105, Apply persocally, Tooley-street, or by South wart trer, 10 'Re July 90, Secretary 1849. of the WANTS KMPLOYMENT, a youse man, are 30, address.
He perfectly bookkeeping sad all the duties of SAWING and CORN- MILL MACHINERY.wine merchant's establishment, large both in cellar catabllabment, and office. WANTED, to PURCHARE. Inmariately. either sew or delivery or yard clerk to any or would hand. TWO portable DOUBLE DEAL and a CIRCULAR any otter department stould it be required.
Not particular as to bours SAW BENCH, likewise the driving zeal machinery for a of attendance. Address to J. 109. Osford-street. Reseat mil, with or without the stones, machines, Lowest price UPHOLSTERERS and CABINET MANU.
full partica ata to be seas ta Mr. Grapock. 94, 8with ta's lane. NO -An active person, of basin ens habits, a 1 tolerable NO -To be DISPOSED OF, a coDand good accountant, with much practical siderabie number of sised BEER BARRELS, in very good the manuf la desires cf an ENGAGEMENT, condition, acd nearly sew. Inquire fif by letter, post paid) of Mr.
and would, if required, taka the extire ba rina Banister, bro' wharf, Upper Thames street, where some of the years foreman in a west end of the first respectability. rela may be seen. can be dived, and security. Address, pre-paid, to J. Hieh Hoitern.
STEAM ENGINES and -To be SOLD, by dispensing GINE. with bailer, power bigs for pressure J00 a STEAM eyliadrical EN. chymit, at the west end, a well educated youth as an APPREN. TICE. He will have amal of obtaining a therouch know.
13 feet by 3 feet small Manadeld- aboct of bis will be treated with the greatest kindness, and half- The pin factory, every atteation paid to his morals and dome- tic comforta his to be 10 A. a are in immediate requisition, only vate and professional. Apply to A. care of ME. Dewar, HE EMPEROR NAPOLEON- GOLD 91.
High-street, Mary lebone. SNEPP BOX, with a fine miniature portrait of Napo con, by gentleman, kas with been brilliante, placed a rift for of SALE the in Emperor the to baods a of Polish COLEDICAL MI member of the Royal College of and also a member NAGHI and POCKLE, 98. with of tre Society. residing in the immediate vicinity of statement el the with the presentation of this of the tarze metropolisan Lospitals, who has in extensive practice very interesting relic. for of 30 years, and to one of the most London ur ices, bas VACANCY lat young read man ARTICLED PO ARCHITECTS, Builders, Decorators, STUDENT.
Pa micm very moderate. For particulars address K. PAPIER MACHE ORNAMEN IS tor every description of care of Mr. SteeL. 48, Lombard city, meat.
and the Regal in sizes, much ad chesse MONTH'S VISIT A Parisian P. to be bad at C. P. Biele Beleteld's papier 1 ka, 15, Web of ONE reatleman, professor ef the French well known in accompacied Strand. by A 92 quarto plates, con metropole, and well seqasinted with Paris environs.
000 pattersa, betas part of a still larger al to the nobility and sentry tat be weal here no PARIS objection the works. JOIN oF PARTY of 10 or 19 persona to VISIT a its curiosities duriez one month. unesceptionable RITISH PAPER WAREHOUSE, 4G, Cornhill. be and esp (amana which A three containing carina the the conditions had 179. by applyina Sinace-street.
persocally, or by letter, to Mr. D. Murray, 1 scra The to their comprises proprietors desks morocco The acd stock envelope creating the displayed cases bases, additice in in this of and asott and cases, NEW MERCHANTS OF TRADESMEN who bibles. prayer becks, 1 REQUIRE the SERVICES of a YOUTH The advertiser, reams: seat desks. ceska, has the youth in question, te PROCURE for bim Ils.
res writing richly from SITUATION in town, in which be night rise By his own writes merit a to bases, complete. or He is a good the uniform, way pancita. He la naturally has an esce pattern, lock, har the tone of bia is able character, winch patent. and a elecaotif cure biz the probat on ol bla Apply the principa Metropeatan 014 By tamer, ofered at 48 NIL INS.