The Winchester Sun from Winchester, Kentucky (2024)

19 FOUR THE WINCHESTER SUN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1940. The Winchester Sun (Established 1879) Published Dally Except Sunday by The Winchester Sun Company, Inc. JAMES S. TATMAN. Publisher W.

C. Editor Entered as Second Class Mall Matter at Winchester Post Office MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited, printed in this paper, and all the local news published herein, Subscription Rates--Delivered by Newsboy in Winchester, per week, 10c, Pubscription Rates- -By mall in Clark, Powell, Estill, Montgomery, Bourbon and Lee in advance, $5.60 rearly; months, monthly, $5c; else where in Kentucky, $4.80 yearly; outside Kentucky, $6.00 yearly. Represented by Allen Co. 'A Rockefeller Job You can't keep a good man down, but sometimes he doesn't get what he's worth. Nelson A.

Rockefeller, son of John D. Rockefeller, has been appointed by President Roosevelt as co-ordinator of commercial and cultural relations among the American republics at a salary of a dollar a year. The founder of the family fortune made more than that even when a small boy. Probably the family will help with young Nelson's board bill and one thing and another. Really, though, it's fine, the way so many of our prominent American families and captains of industry and sons of captains, are entering the public service nowadays, because they want to help their country in a critical time.

This Mr. Rockefeller is a big business man in his own right, and is dropping his own enterprises and clearing the decks to give all his time to an important public job. It is a new field where he has a chance to create an important and permanent link with the other Americas. Our able citizens of the present generation turn easily and naturally to such services. Their fathers gave money; they give themselves! Mastering a Nation Here's an interesting bit of journalistic history.

Quote: "We have seen a young man of no name or family, an adventurer. a foreigner, who has fed upon the bread of public charity--we have seen him step forward, put his bit in the mouth of a furious nation, scourge it with his whip and goad it with his spurs. We have seen them, all as one man, become the tools of ambition, a mighty engine in his hands, that has been wielded by him hither and thither at his pleasure. Like the He Goat in the Prophet Daniel, that 'touched not the ground' as he went, we have seen this modern Alexander moving in his career of victory with astonishing rapidity, shaking the pillars of every government within his reach, and still adding nation after nation to his train of conquests. All this we have seen already, and what will be the next act in the drama, or what its catastrophe, Omniscience alone can foretell'.

No, friends, you're mistaken. It is not Adolf Hitler who is the subject of this eloquence. It is a tough hombre named Napoleon, who was operating in the same area 131 years ago, as described by the Connecticut Courant of that time. And those old-time journalists could write, couldn't they? P. that rampaging He Goat, you will recall, finally got "his" as the popular slang would say.

The Grab Bag 25 Years Ago One-Minute Test 1. Under what English sovereign was there a lessening of crime in that country? 2. Does thunder cause milk to turn sour? 3. What is the oldest university still in existence? Hints on Etiquette It is not correct to sign: a business letter, "Yours respectfully;" say "Yours sincerely." Words of Wisdom No creed is final. Such a creed as mine must grow and change as knowledge grows and changes.Sir Arthur Keith.

Today's Horoscope Apart from some domestic worries, possibly regarding children, the year just starting will be happy and moderately successful for those who have birthdays today. Gain will come through elders. The child who is born on this date will possess many sterling qualities. Such a child will be good natured, kind hearted, thoughtful, forgiving and devoted to home, and will also be an intellectual persons. One-Minute Test Answers.

1. Under Queen Victoria: when she went to the throne there were 50.000 convicts in England: at her death there were less than 6.000. Another raid by French aeroplanes on military establishments of the Germans was announced by the war office today. Barracks and railway stations in the Ardennes and the Argonne were attacked. Violent German attacks near Marie-Theresa and west of the Forest of Malincourt were repulsed.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Adams, of Elkin, are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a daughter at their home. Mrs.

Hunt Quisenberry has returned from a trip to Crab Orchard Springs. Mrs. James Lewis is visiting relatives in Nicholasville. Oscar Ecton accompanied by his sister. Miss Ethel Ecton left today for Detroit.

for a visit to their brother. Mrs. J. W. Nunnelley has returned rom a visit to relatives in Norfolk, Va.

She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. R. Y. Rhea. 2.

No. The farm. moist temperature prevalent just before a thunder storm will tend to sour it more quickly than normal conditions. however, 3. The University of Bologna, Italy.

which was founded in the 11th century. LAFF-A-DAY word Cape. Kong Fur or "No, that seat isn't engaged. but I "FAR FROM THE MADDING CROWD" Ate A. HITIER (PRIVATE) ON BERLIN RAIDS DISTURB Farm Notes Irvine College's State Fair Exhibit To Show Best Tobacco Grading Light The kind of electric light to use to get best results in stripping tobacco, will be the subject of a demonstration in the College of Agriculture's exhibits in the Grandstand building at the Kentucky State Fair Sept.

7-14. It is next to impossible to do a proper job of grading tobacco by an ordinary electric light, the exhibit will show, but there are daylight lamps that give a "perfect" light for the stripping room. Another exhibit by the College of Agriculture will stress the importance of Italian rye grass. About 25.000 Kentucky farmers sowed approximately 2,500,000 pounds of rye grass seed on about 250.000 acres a year ago, and between a million and a million and a half pounds of rye grass seed were harvested this season. The college's forestry exhibit will show how trees prevent soil erosion.

Another booth will show the best selections of lawn grass seeds. This will interest town and country people alike. Other exhibits will deal with developing dairy herds, the raising of better poultry, and the growing of better potatoes and other crops. Women visiting the College of Agriculture's exhibits will see four typical ways of decorating and furnishing a home, including the selection of wallpaper, draperies, floor coverings, pictures and general accessories. The college's 4-H club department will have its usual displays of canned and baked foods, clothing and room furnishings.

Stanton Special to The Sun. STANTON. Aug. and Mrs. Charley Clay Thomas of Ft.

Mitchell are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomas Mr.

and Mrs. U. G. Briscoe and daughters, Ann Carolyn and May Elizabeth of Glasgow are visiting Mr. and Mrs.

William Briscoe this week Charles Prewitt of Shelbyvill evisited Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stewart and family Friday.

Miss Virginia Stewart attended University of Kentucky graduation exercises Friday night. Miss Mildred Barnes of Ravenna spent last week as guest of Mrs. Myrtie Martin A. T. Stewart and sons, Ivan.

James and Hoover, and Malcolm Bowen of Stanton and James P. Lacy of Hazel Green camped last week at Swift's Creek in Menifee county Ishmael Adams, son of Mrs. Ada Cunningham of Stanton enlisted in the U. S. army and left Monday for Fort Knox Mrs.

Beverly White of Winchester visited Mrs. George Billings Thursday Marion French of Jackson is in Stanton this week. Mrs. Sarah McKnight is ill at her home on Highway No. 15.

Mrs. Mollie Mardis of Winchester is visiting her niece, Miss Margaret D. Mansfield. Miss Irene Hatton, Stanton and the Charley Stephens family of Leeco have returned after a week's visit with Robert Hatton in Chicago Elbert Stephens and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

John Stephens. HUGE LOCOMOTIVE USED IN SWISS ALPS ANDERMATT, Switzerland (AP) -One of the biggest locomotives in the world hauls trains through one of the longest tunnels in the world, The locomotive weighs 233 long tons, is 112 feet long, has horse-power motor and tows trains through the 9-mile St. Gotthard tunnel in the Alps. Wades Mill By MRS. R.

T. EVANS Regular services were conducted at Mt. Carmel Sunday morning and evening by the pastor, Rev. Luther Newnam, of Beattyville. Rev.

Newnam was dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Chamberlain, in North Miss Katherine Wright, of near Georgetown, spent the past week with Miss Louise Barnett. Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Rice and baby, of Winchester, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Osborne. Jimmie Johnson, of the Iron Works pike, is visiting at the home of his aunt, Mrs. Asa Stevens.

Miss. Ruth Gravitt spent the weekend with Miss Janie Angell. Joe King and daughter, Mildred, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Austin Ginter.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Ernest Barnett were afternoon guests. Miss Janie Angell entertained with a lawn party Friday evening at her home. About 15 guests were present.

Games were enjoyed throughout the evening and refreshments were served by the hostess. The Wades Mill Homemakers club held its first meeting of the year with Mrs. W. F. Barnett, Tuesday at 10 a.

m. Mrs. Allen Stevens spent from Sunday until Thursday at the home of Joe King and daughter. The Ladies' Aid Society will hold its September meeting Wednesday with a picnic at Boonesboro. Mr.

and Mrs. Luke Mullikin and family were recent visitors in Dayton, Ohio, where they visited their daughter. WHITLEY WOMAN DIES OF OLD GUN WOUNDS CORBIN- Mrs. Ollie Canute died Tuesday of gunshot wounds suffered the night of August 3 in a shooting affray near Topton, a remote community in Whitley County, in which he estranged husband, James Canute, was slain. Wash Canute, brother of the slain man, is held to the Whitley grand jury under $10,000 bond on a charge of shooting James.

Edgar Canute, 12, son of Wash, is in jail at Williamsburg for allegedly firing the shot that struck Mrs. Canute. NAZIS MACHINE-GUN BRITISH PASSENGER TRAIN A NORTHEAST TOWN IN ENGLAND, Aug. passengers fainted early Wednesday when a German plane swooped and machine-gunned a train near here. Bullets ripped through the tops of the coaches but no casualties were reported.

BLUE RIDGE BERRIES FIND WAY TO MARKET GALAX, Va. (AP)-Blackberries by the tank-car again have gone from the Blue Ridge mountains to the nation's canneries. The berries always have grown in this section, but for years rotted on the bushes. In 1935, however, Mahlon Collins astounded residents by offering cash for all the berries they could pick. The business grew steadily.

In 1937, Collins shipped 25 carloads of berries in barrels. Last year he began using tank cars and shipped 17 to New York City alone. The pickers received about $20,000, and did about as well this year. Pickers receive about 15 cents a gallon or $40 a ton. Barren county's annual countywide lamb show and sale was held recently.

Seven varieties of hybrid seed corn are being tested by William Pennington, Leslie county. YOUR LAST CHANCE! To Get a Free Tube! Free Tube Sale Absolutely Ends Saturday, August 31st. FREE TUBE PLUS LIBERAL TRADEIN ALLOWANCE WITH EVERY DAVIS SAFETY -GRIP or SUPER-SAFETY TIRES SAFETY LIST SALE GRIP PRICE PRICE (Tire Size) (Tire only) (Tube Free) 4.75-19 $10.45 $6.59 5.25-18 $12.20 $7.69 5.50-17 $12.80 $8.07 6.00-16 $13.95 $8.79 Western Auto Associate Store THOMAS A NUNAN, Owner North Main St. Phone 431 NEWS IN KENTUCKY Officer Re-Hired CYNTHIANA, Aug. Miller was re-employed as city policeman at a meeting of the board of commissioners' Tuesday night.

Mr. Miller was granted a twomonth leave of absence in April to take a position as a special agent of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, located in Evansville, Ind. Held on Still Count OWENTON, Aug. Harley, 18, of Lawrenceburg, was arrested here Wednesday in connection with the operation of an illicit whisky still in the Hackett's Mill section of Owen county. Representative Fined MT.

VERNON, Aug. 29-A Rockcastle court jury Wednesday convicted State Representative G. M. Ballard of being a publice nuisance, fined him $100 and placed him under a $2,000 peace bond. Wins Scholarship Wins Scholarship FRANKFORT, Aug.

Highway Patrolman Estill B. (Buck) Jones of Henderson, has been awarded a $1,200 scholarship offered by Alfred P. Sloan and good for eight month's study at Northwestern university, Evanston, Governor Johnson announced Wednesday. Gun Wielder Hunted NEWPORT, Aug. Kentucky police conducted a fruitless search of Ohio river yacht harbors and camps Wednesday for a man who threatened Capt.

Harry Doss of the excursion steamer Island Queen and a few hours later fired five shots at the boat, endangering some 600 persons aboard. Federal departments disclaimed jurisdiction. Fire Destroys Camp DANVILLE, Aug. Lake Herrington camp was destroyed by fire after being struck by lightning Wednesday afternoon during what REA officials here termed the worst wind and electrical storm of the summer. The camp owned by Pope Underwood, was located near Pope's Landing, off the Lancaster road.

Mr. Underwood estimated the damage at $1,000, partially covered by insurance. Requisitions Are Made FRANKFORT, Aug. 29. Gov.

Keen Johnson Wednesday made requisition on the governor of Ohio for the return of Virgil (Big Virgil) Middleton to Boyle county where he is wanted on a grand larceny charge. He is being detained in Hamilton county, Ohio. The governor also made requisition on the governor of Illinois for the return of Murphy Vance to WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE A.T. WHIT Rear of Court House Phone 94 Marion county to face a forgery charge. He is under arrest in LaSalle county, Ill.

ALL STYLES OF HANES LIGHTWEIGHT KNIT SUITS BEN ROSEN AS FREE AS A FLEECY CLOUD Get leg-freedom for your sports. Men everywhere are wearing HANES Crotch-Guard Sports for their games. This comfortable garment also helps them keep feeling spruce at work. Gentle, athletic support is provided by the HANESKNIT Crotch- Guard, with its convenient fly-front. The crotch is wider and won't bind.

All-round Lastex waistband. HANES Crotch-Guard Sports and a HANES Undershirt make a perfect Have your HANES Dealer them to you today. sports CROTCH- GUARD SPORTS 359 and HANES SHIRTS HANES: AND SHORTS 3 BROADCLOTH for $1 P. H. MANES KNITTING COMPANY Winston-Salem, N.

C. Special to The Sun. IRVINE, Aug. Elbridge Rucker, with a groups of deputies, raided an illicit liquor still on the Pitts farm on the Tipton Ridge, seven miles from here. the still and 400 gallons of mash.

Tuesday morning. They a destroyed K. M. Stoller, district forest ranger, of Mt. Sterling, was in this county this week on an inspection tour of fire towers at Bear Track.

Dr. F. Asher and Mrs. Jane Halbert of the psychology department of the University of Kentucky and Charles Evans of the bureau of schools visited the Estill county school the past week Mr. and Mrs.

Marcum Hamilton of Annapolis, are spending several days with relatives here R. Friend, who is holding court at Jackson spent the week here. Mr. and Mrs. W.

D. Meffifield and Mrs. Leon Gibson spent Friday in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs.

Gray Savage of Mr. Sterling have returned after a few days' visit with friends here. Clay City Special to The Sun. Misses Ruth and Mary Virginia Tolin have week's visit T. C.

May ington. Waldron, of the week-end sister, Mrs. ily Miss Cincinnati. father, Nelson Mrs. H.

R. Mr. and Mrs. Lexington. the latter's C.

Shimfessel. returned home after a with their sister, Mrs. and Mr. May, in LexTom Moore and Billy Dayton, Ohio, spent with the former's T. M.

Mountz and famBeatrice Blount, of Ohio, is visiting her Blount and sister, Melroy and family Colson Blackburn, of were guests Sunday of YA GOT ME, PAL! MEMPHIS, Tenn. shouldn't be an automobile said the handwriting expert to Frank Tapp. have a penetrating mind. You should be a Tapp blinked in surprise. Nevertheless, he grabbed the expert by the arm and hustled him out.

"You're under arrest for telling fortunes without a Tapp explained. "I AM a So Quickly Done! IT TAKES many an hour and many a dollar to build an automobile but in one swift moment it may be destroyed and, worse still, your savings may follow it if a lawsuit is brought against you. Get complete Automobile Insurlance today from this agency. POYNTER'S BIG FOUR FIRE AGENCY ROOM 211 2nd Floor McEldowney Bldg. WINCHESTER WE DRESS THE HIGH SCHOOL and COLLEGE BOYS CORRECTLY! The Class Comes to Order at ROSENTHAL'S MEN'S SHOP We're glad at this time, to offer what we know is right for the Class of 1940! Hyde -Louis Goldsmith SUITS McGregor Sportswear Arrow Shirts--Ties--Handkerchiefs and Underwear Nor- East and Beau Brummel Ties Hickok and Swank Jewelry Stetson and Style Park Hats Phoenix Hose and Prim-fit "Jerks" B.V.D.

Underwear, Sport Shirts and Pajamas Bostonian Shoes Amity Leather Goods Cooper and Jockey Underwear Worumbo Overcoats and Imperial Knit-tex Overcoats ROSENTHAL'S MEN'S SHOP Next Door to Clark County National Bank.

The Winchester Sun from Winchester, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.