PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (2024)


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East West Furniture PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (9)

East West Furniture

PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (10)

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PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (11)

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Dinette set is the firm way to a kitchen space that looks perfectly pulled together. We are also providing you the luxury and robustness, in a big collection of styles. And less time watching for furniture means more for sharing good food and laughter with family members. With a rich rural beauty that is guaranteed to transmute the atmosphere of any dining area, the dining collection contains a concerned and sparkly dark brown finish attractively supplemented through the comfy faux leather furnished chair and bench seats. In this set you can get six chairs accompanied by a table. A huge gathering will be possible enjoy its seat capacity. Eventually you can use this table and chairs set in your dining-room as well as in small space. This form of products are constructed with all rubber wood. One of the solid wood widely called Asian Hardwood. This is no Medium-density Fiberboard, the reputed heat treated wood, fly wood, and veneer or laminated wood. This wood is water resisted and it does not troubled by any form of termite. The ideal ever material is being used by always keeping it in thoughts about our customer’s fulfillment. Our wish is that you enjoy possessing and using the piece of furniture we build for you each and every day just as much as we enjoyed making it for you. With our experience as furniture makers in making exceptional nice-looking designs using traditional kitchen table dining set jointing methods, we build handmade furniture not just for tomorrow or the next year, but for the next generation to enjoy as well.Making contemporary and up-to-date dinette sets for small spaces for an increasing list of very happy customers gives us great enjoyment. We want our handmade dining set gives function and design to its place in your home.

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PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (12)


PARF7-BCH-C 7 PC Kitchen Table set-Dining Table and 6 Wood Dining Chairs (2024)


How much room do you need for a dining table and 6 chairs? ›

1) Allow at least 24” of table space per person seated at the table. When you calculate to see how many chairs or guests will fit at your table, every chair or place setting should require a minimum of 24 inches of space. 2) Additionally, allow at least 2” minimum between seats. Preferably more.

What proportion should dining table and chair be? ›

Allow 25-30cm between the bottom of the tabletop and the chair height. Seat height of a dining chair should be about 45cm. Allow a width of 60 cm for each person – this takes into account the chair width and allows for space on either side of the chair (and some elbow room) so guests don't feel cramped.

How long is a table that fits 6 chairs? ›

A table that seats four should be about 48" long. To seat four to six people, look for a table that is at least 60" long. For six to eight guests, your table should be at least 78" long. The rule of thumb is to allow 24" of space per seat at your dining table.

What is the description of a dining table? ›

noun. a table, especially one seating several persons, where meals are served and eaten, especially the major or more formal meals.

How big of a table can I fit in a 12x12 room? ›

Square Tables With Available in Multiple Dimensions
Common Room DimensionsMaximum Recommended Table Size

What is the minimum area required for a 6 seater dining table? ›

For a 6-seater dining table, you would generally need a space of at least 8 feet by 10 feet to accommodate the table and chairs comfortably. This allows for enough space for people to move around and pull out chairs without feeling cramped.

What is the best chair to table ratio? ›

In the diagram above, you can clearly see that the relationship between a (fairly) normal chair seat height and a (fairly) normal table height, gives us the ideal 26cm. At this distance most adult people are able to sit and feel comfortable at the table, whether they're eating, doing paperwork etc.

How much space should be between chair and bottom of table? ›

Most chairs have a seat height between 17” and 20”, and most standard dining tables are approx. 30” tall, so try and allow for between 10” and 12” of clearance between your chair seat and your tabletop. If your table has an apron, try to allow for approx. 7” of space between the seat of your chair and the apron.

What is the best ratio for a table? ›

For round table tops, the diameter of the base should be at least half the diameter of the top. For square or rectangular tops, the length of the base(s) should be approximately two-thirds the length of the top. Height of the Table: The height of the table can also affect the base-to-top ratio.

What is the most popular round table size? ›

The most common sizes for round tables are 48” through 72”, with the inches divisible by 12 to equal feet. However, it's not uncommon to encounter 36” and 84” tables.

How many people can sit at a 6 ft table? ›

How Many People Can Sit at a 6 Foot Table? If you have a 6 foot round table (72 inches), you can seat 8-10 people at the table. If it is a 30 inch by 72 inch rectangular table, 6-8 seats will fit around the table, with 3 chairs on either side and 1 chair at either end.

Can a 54 round table seat 6? ›

A 54″ round table can seat 4-6 people comfortably. A 60″ round table can seat between 6-8 people comfortably. A 72″ round table can seat between 8 people comfortably. A 84-96″ round table can seat between 10 people comfortably.

What is a living room table called? ›

A coffee table is typically used as a place to put drinks or other items that will be used by people who are sitting in the living room. In contrast, a center table is often used as a decorative piece and may not be used for practical purposes as often.

How much space do you need around table and chairs? ›

You'll need at least 18 – 24 inches clearance just to pull chairs out. 42-48 inches is the most ideal clearance between the table and a wall if you have the space to do it. Ideally, you'll want 48 inches clearance between the table and any doorways or entryways.

How much space do you need for each seat at a dining table? ›

Allow about 61 cm per person at a rectangular table, though you can squeeze in more chairs when needed.

What size is a 6 seater dining area in feet? ›

The best 6 seater dining table size is typically between 72-78 inches which means 6 seater dining table size in feet is (6-6.5 feet) long and 36-40 inches wide. This size allows enough room for each person to have adequate space to dine comfortably and allows for additional serving dishes to be placed on the table.

How much space is needed for a 60 round table and chairs? ›

Use 12 sq ft per person for 60 in round tables with 8 per table or any other round table.

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Author: Rueben Jacobs

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Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.